
我目前正在写两套非常相似的if-else语句。 他们基本上比较三个下拉菜单,并确保用户没有放下两个匹配的偏好。 例如:

cbo_fac1 - Kitchen cbo_fac2 - Kitchen cbo_fac3 - Lounge 

这将返回错误消息,因为cbo_fac1cbo_fac2匹配。 但是我正在努力实现一个特殊情况。 其中一个下拉的情况是没有偏好

 cbo_fac1 - Kitchen cbo_fac2 - No preference cbo_fac3 - No preference cbo_fac1 - No preference cbo_fac2 - No preference cbo_fac3 - No preference 

在任何情况下, 不允许偏好select匹配。 我如何去执行这个? 这是我到目前为止使用的代码:

 If cbo_fac1.Value = cbo_fac2.Value Then MsgBox ("Facilities preference 1 and facilities preference 2 cannot be the same. Please select another option for facilities preference 2, if you have none then select 'No preference'") Exit Sub End If If cbo_fac1.Value = cbo_fac3.Value Then MsgBox ("Facilities preference 1 and facilities preference 3 cannot be the same. Please select another option for facilities preference 3, if you have none then select 'No preference'") Exit Sub End If If cbo_fac2.Value = cbo_fac3.Value Then MsgBox ("Facilities preference 2 and facilities preference 3 cannot be the same. Please select another option for facilities preference 3, if you have none then select 'No preference'") Exit Sub End If 


 If (cbo_fac1.Value <> cbo_fac2.Value Or cbo_fac1.Value = "No Preference") And _ (cbo_fac2.Value <> cbo_fac3.Value Or cbo_fac2.Value = "No Preference") And _ (cbo_fac1.Value <> cbo_fac3.Value Or cbo_fac3.Value = "No Preference") Then 'Input is fine else exit sub End If 



 If (cbo_fac1.value = cbo_fac2.value AND cbo_fac1.value <> "No Preference") OR _ (cbo_fac2.value = cbo_fac3.value AND cbo_fac2.value <> "No Preference") OR _ (cbo_fac1.value = cbo_fac3.value AND cbo_fac3.value <> "No Preference") then Msgbox "No two facilities can be the same. Please select another option " & _ "for facilities preference, if you have none then select 'No preference'" exit sub else 'input is fine end if 


 If cbo_fac1.Value = cbo_fac2.Value and cbo_fac1.Value <> "No Preference" and cbo_fac2.Value <> "No Preference" Then MsgBox ("Facilities preference 1 and facilities preference 2 cannot be the same. Please select another option for facilities preference 2, if you have none then select 'No preference'") Exit Sub End If 





 Sub PreferenceCheck(var1 As String, var2 As String) If var1 = "No Preference" Or var2 = "No Preference" Then tempVar = true End If If Not tempVar Then If var1=var2 Then MsgBox ("Facilities "&var1&" and facilities "&var2&" cannot be the same. Please select another option for facilities preference, if you have none then select 'No preference'") End If End If End Sub 


 PreferenceCheck(cbo_fac1.Value, cbo_fac2.Value) PreferenceCheck(cbo_fac2.Value, cbo_fac3.Value) PreferenceCheck(cbo_fac1.Value, cbo_fac3.Value)