
我正在试图find一种方法,可以将所有图表从Excel中的工作簿导出为graphics。 我有以下代码:

Option Explicit Sub ExportChart() ' Export a selected chart as a picture Const sSlash$ = "/" Const sPicType$ = ".png" Dim sChartName$ Dim sPath$ Dim sBook$ Dim objChart As ChartObject On Error Resume Next ' Test if there are even any embedded charts on the activesheet ' If not, let the user know Set objChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1) If objChart Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No charts have been detected on this sheet", 0 Exit Sub End If ' Test if there is a single chart selected If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then MsgBox "You must select a single chart for exporting ", 0 Exit Sub End If Start: sChartName = Application.InputBox("Please Specify a name for the exported chart" & vbCr & _ "There is no default name available" & vbCr & _ "The chart will be saved in the same folder as this file", "Chart Export", "") ' User presses "OK" without entering a name If sChartName = Empty Then MsgBox "You have not entered a name for this chart", , "Invalid Entry" GoTo Start End If ' Test for Cancel button If sChartName = "False" Then Exit Sub End If ' If a name was given, chart is exported as a picture in the same ' folder location as their current file sBook = ActiveWorkbook.Path sPath = sBook & sSlash & sChartName & sPicType ActiveChart.Export Filename:=sPath, FilterName:="PNG" End Sub 

这将导出活动图表,但我怎样才能导出所有图表? 如果图表是在他们来自的工作表之后命名的,奖励点数。

 Sub Test() Dim sht As Worksheet, cht As ChartObject Dim x As Integer For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets x = 1 For Each cht In sht.ChartObjects cht.Chart.Export "C:\local files\temp\" & sht.Name _ & "_" & x & ".png", "PNG" x = x + 1 Next cht Next sht End Sub 


我没有testing这个,因为我没有时间来重新创build你的文件或情况。 希望这可以帮助

 For each x in worksheets.count then For Each objChart In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects then sChartName = activesheet.name sBook = ActiveWorkbook.Path sPath = sBook & sSlash & sChartName & sPicType ActiveChart.Export Filename:=sPath, FilterName:="PNG" Next objChart Next x