
我创build了一个代码,用于自动化文本文件,以特定的格式从excelmacros中输出列数据。 我创build了5个不同的sub方法,它们都包含几乎相同的代码行。 但是,有两行代码对每个sub更改。 我只想创build一个sub只是为了简化用户的编码。 最终目标是只有一个可以调用的函数,并自动生成其他输出文件(从sub test1sub test2sub test3sub test4 )。

下面是子function代码之一。 其余的都是一样的,除了以下几行:

 stream.Write "EQUIPMENT_ID_DEF,02,0x1" & "," & Chr(34) & "ic1080_1" & Chr(34) 

对于上面的行, 0x1 (它增加)和"ic1080_1"改变了它的名称test1test2等等。

 If destgroup = "ic1080_1" And ssystem = "A429" And sformat = "BNR" Then 

对于上面的行,其他sub名称( test1test2等等)的"ic1080_1"名称有什么变化?

 Sub ic1080_1(Path, IDnum As Integer, parmgroup As String) 'Declaring variables Dim equipID As String, destgroup As String, sourceparmname As String, descript As String Dim lsb As Integer, msb As Integer, signed As String, sformat As String, units As String Dim scalefact As Variant, numbits As Integer, decim As Integer Dim ssystem As String Dim FName As String, stream As TextStream Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim vDB Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject 'Create txt file Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile(Path) 'Activate Sheet1 Sheet1.Activate With Sheet1 vDB = .Range("a1").CurrentRegion 'Get data to array from excel data range n = UBound(vDB, 1) 'Size of array (row of 2 dimension array) End With 'Open text file to write data stream.Write "EQUIPMENT_ID_DEF,02,0x" & IDnum & "," & Chr(34) & parmgroup & Chr(34) 'Create arrays for each row of data For i = 2 To n destgroup = vDB(i, 15) '15th columm array(destination group) ssystem = vDB(i, 7) '7th columm array(source system) sformat = vDB(i, 32) '32nd columm array(format) sourceres = vDB(i, 11) '11th column array(source resolution) If destgroup = parmgroup And ssystem = "A429" And sformat = "BNR" Then sourceparmname = format(Val(Replace(vDB(i, 8), "label ", "")), "0000") descript = vDB(i, 3) signed = Val(Replace(vDB(i, 33), "Yes", 1)) msb = vDB(i, 34) lsb = vDB(i, 35) units = vDB(i, 6) numbits = (msb - lsb + 1) 'Calculates the number of bits scalefact = sourceres * (2 ^ (numbits)) 'Computes the scale factor by: source resolution *(2^(msb-lsb+1)) decim = 9 'Write data into text file stream.Write vbCrLf & "; #### LABEL DEFINITION ####" & vbCrLf & _ "EQ_LABEL_DEF,02," & sourceparmname & vbCrLf & _ "UDB_LABEL," & Chr(34) & descript & Chr(34) & vbCrLf & _ "STD_SUB_LABEL," & Chr(34) & descript & Chr(34) & "," & lsb & "," & msb & "," & signed & vbCrLf & _ "STD_ENCODING," & Chr(34) & sformat & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & units & Chr(34) & "," & scalefact & "," & numbits & "," & decim & vbCrLf & _ "END_EQ_LABEL_DEF" End If 'Continue looping until the last row Next i stream.Write vbCrLf & "; #### END EQUIPMENT ID DEFINITION ####" & vbCrLf & _ "END_EQUIPMENT_ID_DEF" 'Close the text file stream.Close End Sub 

我还创build了另一个调用所有子文件( "ic1080_1"test1test2test3test4 )的子文件,输出所有的文本文件并保存到一个文件夹中:

 Sub txt_files() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject, NewFolderPath As String Dim Path As String 'Retrieve Target Folder Path From User NewFolderPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("") Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject If Not fso.FolderExists(NewFolderPath) Then fso.CreateFolder NewFolderPath End If 'Call sub functions to generate text files and store them in NewFolderPath Call ic1080_1.ic1080_1(NewFolderPath & "\ic1080_1.txt", 3, "ic1080_1") Call ic1080_1.ic1080_1(NewFolderPath & "\test1.txt", 4, "test1") End Sub 

将子程序之间改变的位作为parameter passing:

 Sub txt_files() '... 'Call sub function to generate text files and store them in NewFolderPath GenericSub NewFolderPath, "ic1080_1", "1" GenericSub NewFolderPath, "test1", "2" GenericSub NewFolderPath, "test2", "3" GenericSub NewFolderPath, "test3", "4" GenericSub NewFolderPath, "test4", "5" End Sub Sub GenericSub(Path As String, something As String, somethingElse As String) '... Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile(Path & "\" & something & ".txt") '... stream.Write "EQUIPMENT_ID_DEF,02,0x" & somethingElse & "," & _ Chr(34) & something & Chr(34) '... If destgroup = something And ssystem = "A429" And sformat = "BNR" Then '... End If '... End Sub 


不要使用诸如somethingsomethingElse名字,甚至GenericSub – 使用有意义的名称来描述它们。 我只是用这些名字,因为我不确定他们的意思。