单一For Statement下的多个期间


所以ATM我的代码类似于这个,但是这是行不通的。 我怎么能expression这个列的范围,同时也不包括我不需要的列。

For irow = DateStart To DateEnd For icolumn = 32 To 40 For icolumn = 43 To 58 For icolumn = 60 To 61 For icolumn = 63 To 67 


 Sub Button16_Click() Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim Drill As String Dim postRow As Integer Dim irow As Integer Dim icolumn As Integer Dim DateStart As Integer Dim DateEnd As Integer Dim SheetDate As Date 'Start Date and End Date Row from Drill Data entry Sheet DateStart = Sheet16.Cells(4, 9).Value DateEnd = Sheet16.Cells(5, 9).Value postRow = 9 ' posting in Uploadsheet Sheet1.Select 'Drill1 = Range("C16") For irow = DateStart To DateEnd For icolumn = 32 To 40 For icolumn = 43 To 58 For icolumn = 60 To 61 For icolumn = 63 To 67 If Cells(irow, icolumn) > 0.01 Then Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 1) = "A" Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 2) = Format(Sheet1.Cells(irow, 2), "yyyymmdd") 'Shift Date Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 3) = Sheet1.Cells(irow, 4) 'Shift NS/DS Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 4) = Sheet1.Cells(irow, 3) 'equipment type Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 5) = Sheet1.Cells(4, icolumn) 'code Type Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 6) = Sheet1.Cells(irow, icolumn) 'Hours for code type postRow = postRow + 1 Else End If Next Next Sheets("UploadSheet").Select End Sub 


 Dim c As Range With Range("AF:AN, AQ:BF, BH:BI, BK:BO") For Each c In .Columns Debug.Print c.Column Next c End With ' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 


 Dim c As Range, iRow As Long, iColumn As Long Dim postRow As Long, DateStart As Long, DateEnd As Long 'stuff for postRow, DateStart & DateEnd here With Worksheets("Sheet1") For iRow = DateStart To DateEnd With Range("AF:AN, AQ:BF, BH:BI, BK:BO") For Each c In .Columns iColumn = c.Column If Cells(iRow, iColumn) > 0.01 Then Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 1) = "A" Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 2) = Format(.Cells(iRow, 2), "yyyymmdd") 'Shift Date Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 3) = .Cells(iRow, 4) 'Shift NS/DS Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 4) = .Cells(iRow, 3) 'equipment type Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 5) = .Cells(4, iColumn) 'code Type Sheets("UploadSheet").Cells(postRow, 6) = .Cells(iRow, iColumn) 'Hours for code type postRow = postRow + 1 End If Next c End With Next iRow End With