
我是VBA新手,需要一些帮助。 经过在互联网上search和实验代码的日子,我不能得到它的工作。

@brettdj,@ ryguy7272非常感谢。 你的代码都能正常工作,但我现在明白我没有正确解释我的问题。 您不需要编写完整的代码,只需显示如何继续使用第二个dynamic范围。 所以,如果你忍受我,这里是完整的解释:


对于dynamic范围:列“A”具有文本作为开始和结束值。 其他5列有文本作为起始值和空单元格作为结束值。

Sheet1,col“A”,find第一个occ。 (textstring)“ABC”。

Sheet1,col“A”,find第一个occ。 (textstring)“DEF *”(“*”表示任何字符),在“ABC”之后。


Sheet1,col“B”,find第一个occ。 (textstring)“GHI”

Sheet1,col“B”,find第一个occ。 (“文字串”)“”(空单元格)之后的“GHI”




下面你可以阅读我迄今为止使用过的代码,可以通过列来完成,但是当我重新开始在Col“A”和下一个occ时,我被卡住了。 “ABC”,dynamic地到下一个occ。 “DEF *。


Sheet1,col“A”,find第二个occ。 “ABC”

Sheet1,col“A”,find第二个occ。 “ABC”之后的“DEF *”,


Sheet1,col“B”,find第二个occ。 “GHI”

Sheet1,col“B”,find第二个occ。 “GHI”之后的“”(空单元格)



Sheet1:rows = dynamic。 栏目:1,2,3,4,5,9

Sheet2:8个静态行= 2,22,42,62,82,102,122,142。 栏目:1,3,6,7,9,18

Sub Module1() Dim foundA As Range, _ foundB As Range Dim newSht As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error GoTo Terminate With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(1) Set foundA = .Find("ABC") Set foundB = .Find("DEF*", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("A2").PasteSpecial With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(2) Set foundA = .Find("GHI") Set foundB = .Find("", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("C2").PasteSpecial With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(3) Set foundA = .Find("JKL") Set foundB = .Find("", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("F2").PasteSpecial With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(4) Set foundA = .Find("MNO") Set foundB = .Find("", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("G2").PasteSpecial With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(5) Set foundA = .Find("PQR") Set foundB = .Find("", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("I2").PasteSpecial With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(9) Set foundA = .Find("STU") Set foundB = .Find("", After:=foundA, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With Range(foundA(2), foundB(0)).Copy Set newSht = Sheets("Sheet2") newSht.Range("R2").PasteSpecial Exit Sub Terminate: MsgBox "Error in Code" End Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 

我希望这是可以理解的。 如果没有请澄清。 任何帮助将不胜感激。 谢谢!


 Sub Update() Dim rng1 As Range Dim rng2 As Range Dim rng3 As Range Dim StrIn As String Dim strAdd As String Dim lngCnt As Long StrIn = "ABC" With Worksheets(1).Columns(1) Set rng1 = .Find(StrIn, .Cells(Rows.Count, "A"), xlValues, xlWhole, xlNext) If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then strAdd = rng1.Address Set rng2 = rng1 Do Set rng1 = .FindNext(rng1) Set rng2 = Union(rng2, rng1) Loop While Not rng1 Is Nothing And rng1.Address <> strAdd End If End With If rng2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub For Each rng3 In rng2 lngCnt = lngCnt + 1 rng3 = "code " & lngCnt Next End Sub 


 Sub Insert() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("A1") While rng.Value <> "" If rng.Value = "ABC" Then rng.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert Set rng = rng.Offset(1) End If Set rng = rng.Offset(1) Wend End Sub