
我不能处理正则expression式来分隔参数和函数。 该函数以下面的方式获取参数:


现在,让我的代码的其余部分工作,我需要做以下 – 把()中的每个参数:








除非我错过了什么,是不是像replace一样简单;);(围绕在( )的整个事情?




 string result = "FunctionName(" + String.Join(";", from Capture capture in Regex.Matches(inputString, @"FunctionName\((?:([^;()]+);?)+\)")[0].Groups[1]. Captures select "(" + capture.Value + ")") + ")"; 




 public interface ISourcePart { /// <summary> /// Gets the string representation of the kind of thing we're working with /// </summary> string Kind { get; } /// <summary> /// Gets the position this information is found at in the original source /// </summary> int Position { get; } /// <summary> /// Gets a representation of this data as Token objects /// </summary> /// <returns>An array of Token objects representing the data</returns> Token[] AsTokens(); } 


 public class Token : ISourcePart { public int Position { get; set; } public Token[] AsTokens() { return new[] {this}; } public string Kind { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the value of the token /// </summary> public string Value { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Token /// </summary> /// <param name="kind">The kind (name) of the token</param> /// <param name="match">The Match the token is to be generated from</param> /// <param name="index">The offset from the beginning of the file the index of the match is relative to</param> /// <returns>The newly created token</returns> public static Token Create(string kind, Match match, int index) { return new Token { Position = match.Index + index, Kind = kind, Value = match.Value }; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Token /// </summary> /// <param name="kind">The kind (name) of the token</param> /// <param name="value">The value to assign to the token</param> /// <param name="position">The absolute position in the source file the value is located at</param> /// <returns>The newly created token</returns> public static Token Create(string kind, string value, int position) { return new Token { Kind = kind, Value = value, Position = position }; } } 

在这个例子中,我们将使用Regex es来查找我们的令牌(下面是我演示项目中Program.cs的摘录)。

 /// <summary> /// Breaks an input string into recognizable tokens /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The input string to break up</param> /// <returns>The set of tokens located within the string</returns> static IEnumerable<Token> Tokenize(string source) { var tokens = new List<Token>(); var sourceParts = new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, int>(source, 0) }; tokens.AddRange(Tokenize(OpenParen, "\\(", ref sourceParts)); tokens.AddRange(Tokenize(CloseParen, "\\)", ref sourceParts)); tokens.AddRange(Tokenize(Semi, ";", ref sourceParts)); tokens.AddRange(Tokenize(Operator, "[\\^\\\\*\\+\\-/]", ref sourceParts)); tokens.AddRange(Tokenize(Literal, "\\w+", ref sourceParts)); return tokens.OrderBy(x => x.Position); } 



 /// <summary> /// Performs tokenization of a collection of non-tokenized data parts with a specific pattern /// </summary> /// <param name="tokenKind">The name to give the located tokens</param> /// <param name="pattern">The pattern to use to match the tokens</param> /// <param name="untokenizedParts">The portions of the input that have yet to be tokenized (organized as text vs. position in source)</param> /// <returns>The set of tokens matching the given pattern located in the untokenized portions of the input, <paramref name="untokenizedParts"/> is updated as a result of this call</returns> static IEnumerable<Token> Tokenize(string tokenKind, string pattern, ref KeyValuePair<string, int>[] untokenizedParts) { //Do a bit of setup var resultParts = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(); var resultTokens = new List<Token>(); var regex = new Regex(pattern); //Look through all of our currently untokenized data foreach (var part in untokenizedParts) { //Find all of our available matches var matches = regex.Matches(part.Key).OfType<Match>().ToList(); //If we don't have any, keep the data as untokenized and move to the next chunk if (matches.Count == 0) { resultParts.Add(part); continue; } //Store the untokenized data in a working copy and save the absolute index it reported itself at in the source file var workingPart = part.Key; var index = part.Value; //Look through each of the matches that were found within this untokenized segment foreach (var match in matches) { //Calculate the effective start of the match within the working copy of the data var effectiveStart = match.Index - (part.Key.Length - workingPart.Length); resultTokens.Add(Token.Create(tokenKind, match, part.Value)); //If we didn't match at the beginning, save off the first portion to the set of untokenized data we'll give back if (effectiveStart > 0) { var value = workingPart.Substring(0, effectiveStart); resultParts.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(value, index)); } //Get rid of the portion of the working copy we've already used if (match.Index + match.Length < part.Key.Length) { workingPart = workingPart.Substring(effectiveStart + match.Length); } else { workingPart = string.Empty; } //Update the current absolute index in the source file we're reporting to be at index += effectiveStart + match.Length; } //If we've got remaining data in the working copy, add it back to the untokenized data if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workingPart)) { resultParts.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(workingPart, index)); } } //Update the untokenized data to contain what we couldn't process with this pattern untokenizedParts = resultParts.ToArray(); //Return the tokens we were able to extract return resultTokens; } 

现在我们已经有了方法和types来处理我们的标记数据,我们需要能够识别更大的含义,比如调用简单函数(比如sin(x) ),复杂函数(比如Function1(a1;a2;a3) ),基本的math运算(如+-*等),等等。 我们将做一个简单的parsing器来处理这个问题。 首先我们要定义一个parsing节点的匹配条件。

 public class ParseNodeDefinition { /// <summary> /// The set of parse node definitions that could be transitioned to from this one /// </summary> private readonly IList<ParseNodeDefinition> _nextNodeOptions; /// <summary> /// Creates a new ParseNodeDefinition /// </summary> private ParseNodeDefinition() { _nextNodeOptions = new List<ParseNodeDefinition>(); } /// <summary> /// Gets whether or not this definition is an acceptable ending point for the parse tree /// </summary> public bool IsValidEnd { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Gets the name an item must have for it to be matched by this definition /// </summary> public string MatchItemsNamed { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Gets the set of parse node definitions that could be transitioned to from this one /// </summary> public IEnumerable<ParseNodeDefinition> NextNodeOptions { get { return _nextNodeOptions; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the tag that will be associated with the data if matched /// </summary> public string Tag { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new ParseNodeDefinition matching items with the specified name/kind. /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag to associate with matched items</param> /// <param name="isValidEnd">Whether or not the element is a valid end to the parse tree</param> /// <returns>A ParseNodeDefinition capable of matching items of the given name</returns> public static ParseNodeDefinition Create(string matchItemsNamed, string tag, bool isValidEnd) { return new ParseNodeDefinition { MatchItemsNamed = matchItemsNamed, Tag = tag, IsValidEnd = isValidEnd }; } public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, string.Empty, false); } public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, string tag) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, tag, false); } /// <summary> /// Adds an option for a named node to follow this one in the parse tree the node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag to associate with matched items</param> /// <param name="isValidEnd">Whether or not the element is a valid end to the parse tree</param> /// <returns>The ParseNodeDefinition that has been added</returns> public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, string tag, bool isValidEnd) { var node = Create(matchItemsNamed, tag, isValidEnd); _nextNodeOptions.Add(node); return node; } public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, bool isValidEnd) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, string.Empty, isValidEnd); } /// <summary> /// Links the given node as an option for a state to follow this one in the parse tree this node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="next">The node to add as an option</param> public void LinkTo(ParseNodeDefinition next) { _nextNodeOptions.Add(next); } } 

这将让我们按名称匹配单个元素(无论是ParseTree定义的ParseTree )还是Token因为它们都实现了ISourcePart接口。 接下来我们将创build一个ParseTreeDefinition ,使我们能够指定ParseNodeDefinitions序列进行匹配。

 public class ParseTreeDefinition { /// <summary> /// The set of parse node definitions that constitute an initial match to the parse tree /// </summary> private readonly IList<ParseNodeDefinition> _initialNodeOptions; /// <summary> /// Creates a new ParseTreeDefinition /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name to give to parse trees generated from full matches</param> public ParseTreeDefinition(string name) { _initialNodeOptions = new List<ParseNodeDefinition>(); Name = name; } /// <summary> /// Gets the set of parse node definitions that constitute an initial match to the parse tree /// </summary> public IEnumerable<ParseNodeDefinition> InitialNodeOptions { get { return _initialNodeOptions; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the name of the ParseTreeDefinition /// </summary> public string Name { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Adds an option for a named node to follow this one in the parse tree the node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <returns>The ParseNodeDefinition that has been added</returns> public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, string.Empty, false); } /// <summary> /// Adds an option for a named node to follow this one in the parse tree the node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag to associate with matched items</param> /// <returns>The ParseNodeDefinition that has been added</returns> public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, string tag) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, tag, false); } /// <summary> /// Adds an option for a named node to follow this one in the parse tree the node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag to associate with matched items</param> /// <param name="isValidEnd">Whether or not the element is a valid end to the parse tree</param> /// <returns>The ParseNodeDefinition that has been added</returns> public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, string tag, bool isValidEnd) { var node = ParseNodeDefinition.Create(matchItemsNamed, tag, isValidEnd); _initialNodeOptions.Add(node); return node; } /// <summary> /// Adds an option for a named node to follow this one in the parse tree the node is a part of /// </summary> /// <param name="matchItemsNamed">The name of the item to be matched</param> /// <param name="isValidEnd">Whether or not the element is a valid end to the parse tree</param> /// <returns>The ParseNodeDefinition that has been added</returns> public ParseNodeDefinition AddOption(string matchItemsNamed, bool isValidEnd) { return AddOption(matchItemsNamed, string.Empty, isValidEnd); } /// <summary> /// Attempts to follow a particular branch in the parse tree from a given starting point in a set of source parts /// </summary> /// <param name="parts">The set of source parts to attempt to match in</param> /// <param name="startIndex">The position to start the matching attempt at</param> /// <param name="required">The definition that must be matched for the branch to be followed</param> /// <param name="nodes">The set of nodes that have been matched so far</param> /// <returns>true if the branch was followed to completion, false otherwise</returns> private static bool FollowBranch(IList<ISourcePart> parts, int startIndex, ParseNodeDefinition required, ICollection<ParseNode> nodes) { if (parts[startIndex].Kind != required.MatchItemsNamed) { return false; } nodes.Add(new ParseNode(parts[startIndex], required.Tag)); return parts.Count > (startIndex + 1) && required.NextNodeOptions.Any(x => FollowBranch(parts, startIndex + 1, x, nodes)) || required.IsValidEnd; } /// <summary> /// Attempt to match the parse tree definition against a set of source parts /// </summary> /// <param name="parts">The source parts to match against</param> /// <returns>true if the parse tree was matched, false otherwise. parts is updated by this method to consolidate matched nodes into a ParseTree</returns> public bool Parse(ref IList<ISourcePart> parts) { var partsCopy = parts.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i) { var tree = new List<ParseNode>(); if (InitialNodeOptions.Any(x => FollowBranch(partsCopy, i, x, tree))) { partsCopy.RemoveRange(i, tree.Count); partsCopy.Insert(i, new ParseTree(Name, tree.ToArray(), tree[0].Position)); parts = partsCopy; return true; } } return false; } } 

当然,如果没有足够的地方存储我们已经定义的匹配器的结果,那么这些并不是很好,所以让我们定义ParseTreeParseNode ,其中ParseTree只是ParseNode对象的集合,其中ParseNode是一个包装器一个ParseTreeToken (或更一般的任何ISourcePart )。

 public class ParseTree : ISourcePart { /// <summary> /// Creates a new ParseTree /// </summary> /// <param name="kind">The kind (name) of tree this is</param> /// <param name="nodes">The nodes the tree matches</param> /// <param name="position">The position in the source file this tree is located at</param> public ParseTree(string kind, IEnumerable<ISourcePart> nodes, int position) { Kind = kind; ParseNodes = nodes.ToList(); Position = position; } public string Kind { get; private set; } public int Position { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Gets the nodes that make up this parse tree /// </summary> public IList<ISourcePart> ParseNodes { get; internal set; } public Token[] AsTokens() { return ParseNodes.SelectMany(x => x.AsTokens()).ToArray(); } } public class ParseNode : ISourcePart { /// <summary> /// Creates a new ParseNode /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePart">The data that was matched to create this node</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag data (if any) associated with the node</param> public ParseNode(ISourcePart sourcePart, string tag) { SourcePart = sourcePart; Tag = tag; } public string Kind { get { return SourcePart.Kind; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the tag associated with the matched data /// </summary> public string Tag { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Gets the data that was matched to create this node /// </summary> public ISourcePart SourcePart { get; private set; } public int Position { get { return SourcePart.Position; } } public Token[] AsTokens() { return SourcePart.AsTokens(); } } 

这就是我们需要的结构,所以我们将进入configuration我们的分析树的定义。 从这里的代码是从我的演示Program.cs。


 private const string CloseParen = "CloseParen"; private const string ComplexFunctionCall = "ComplexFunctionCall"; private const string FunctionCallStart = "FunctionCallStart"; private const string Literal = "Literal"; private const string OpenParen = "OpenParen"; private const string Operator = "Operator"; private const string ParenthesisRequiredElement = "ParenthesisRequiredElement"; private const string ParenthesizedItem = "ParenthesizedItem"; private const string Semi = "Semi"; private const string SimpleFunctionCall = "SimpleFunctionCall"; 

我们首先定义一个匹配文字( \w+ pattern)的模式,后面跟着左括号; 我们将使用它来匹配sin(Function1(

 static ParseTreeDefinition CreateFunctionCallStartTree() { var tree = new ParseTreeDefinition(FunctionCallStart); var name = tree.AddOption(Literal); name.AddOption(OpenParen, true); return tree; } 

真的不是很多,build立一个树,添加一个选项作为一个文字匹配的第一件事,添加下一个匹配作为一个左括号的选项,并说可以结束分析树。 现在对于一个稍微复杂一点的二元math运算(想不到任何需要包含的一元运算)

 static ParseTreeDefinition CreateBinaryOperationResultTree() { var tree = new ParseTreeDefinition(Literal); var parenthesizedItem = tree.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); var literal = tree.AddOption(Literal); var simpleCall = tree.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall); var complexCall = tree.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall); var @operator = parenthesizedItem.AddOption(Operator); literal.LinkTo(@operator); simpleCall.LinkTo(@operator); complexCall.LinkTo(@operator); @operator.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem, true); @operator.AddOption(Literal, true); @operator.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall, true); @operator.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall, true); return tree; } 

在这里我们说分析树可以用一个加括号的项目(比如(1/2) ),一个文本(比如a5或者3 ),一个简单的调用(比如sin(4) )或者一个复杂的(比如Function1(a1;a2;a3) )。 实质上,我们刚刚定义了左侧操作数的选项。 接下来,我们说加括号的项目后面必须跟一个运算符(从开头声明的模式中的一个math运算符),为了方便起见,我们将说左手操作数的所有其他选项可以进展到同样的状态(有运营商)。 接下来,操作员也必须有一个右手边,所以我们给它一个重复的选项来进行。 请注意,它们与左侧操作数的定义不同,它们的标志被设置为能够终止分析树。 请注意,分析树名为Literal,以避免必须指定另一种元素来匹配整个地方。 接下来,括号内的项目:

 static ParseTreeDefinition CreateParenthesizedItemTree() { var tree = new ParseTreeDefinition(ParenthesizedItem); var openParen = tree.AddOption(OpenParen); var nestedSimpleCall = openParen.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall); var nestedComplexCall = openParen.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall); var arg = openParen.AddOption(Literal); var parenthesizedItem = openParen.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); var closeParen = nestedSimpleCall.AddOption(CloseParen, true); arg.LinkTo(closeParen); parenthesizedItem.LinkTo(closeParen); nestedComplexCall.LinkTo(closeParen); return tree; } 

这个很好,很容易,从一个括号开始,跟随它几乎任何东西,用另一个括号来closures它。 简单的调用(如sin(x)

 static ParseTreeDefinition CreateSimpleFunctionCallTree() { var tree = new ParseTreeDefinition(SimpleFunctionCall); var openParen = tree.AddOption(FunctionCallStart); var nestedItem = openParen.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); var nestedSimpleCall = openParen.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall); var nestedComplexCall = openParen.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall); var arg = openParen.AddOption(Literal); var parenthesizedItem = openParen.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); var closeParen = nestedSimpleCall.AddOption(CloseParen, true); arg.LinkTo(closeParen); nestedItem.LinkTo(closeParen); parenthesizedItem.LinkTo(closeParen); nestedComplexCall.LinkTo(closeParen); return tree; } 


 static ParseTreeDefinition CreateComplexFunctionCallTree() { var tree = new ParseTreeDefinition(ComplexFunctionCall); var openParen = tree.AddOption(FunctionCallStart); var arg = openParen.AddOption(Literal, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var simpleCall = openParen.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var complexCall = openParen.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var nested = openParen.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); var semi = arg.AddOption(Semi); simpleCall.LinkTo(semi); complexCall.LinkTo(semi); nested.LinkTo(semi); var arg2 = semi.AddOption(Literal, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var simpleCall2 = semi.AddOption(SimpleFunctionCall, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var complexCall2 = semi.AddOption(ComplexFunctionCall, ParenthesisRequiredElement); var nested2 = semi.AddOption(ParenthesizedItem); arg2.LinkTo(semi); simpleCall2.LinkTo(semi); complexCall2.LinkTo(semi); nested2.LinkTo(semi); var closeParen = arg2.AddOption(CloseParen, true); arg2.LinkTo(closeParen); simpleCall2.LinkTo(closeParen); complexCall2.LinkTo(closeParen); return tree; } 


 static void Main() { //The input string const string input = @"Function1((a1^5-4)/2;1/sin(a2);a3;a4)+Function2(a1;a2;1/a3)"; //Locate the recognizable tokens within the source IList<ISourcePart> tokens = Tokenize(input).Cast<ISourcePart>().ToList(); //Create the parse trees we'll need to be able to recognize the different parts of the input var functionCallStartTree = CreateFunctionCallStartTree(); var parenthethesizedItemTree = CreateParenthesizedItemTree(); var simpleFunctionCallTree = CreateSimpleFunctionCallTree(); var complexFunctionCallTree = CreateComplexFunctionCallTree(); var binaryOpTree = CreateBinaryOperationResultTree(); //Parse until we can't parse anymore while (functionCallStartTree.Parse(ref tokens) || binaryOpTree.Parse(ref tokens) || parenthethesizedItemTree.Parse(ref tokens) || simpleFunctionCallTree.Parse(ref tokens) || complexFunctionCallTree.Parse(ref tokens)) { } //Run our post processing to fix the parenthesis in the input FixParenthesis(ref tokens); //Collapse our parse tree(s) back to a string var values = tokens.OrderBy(x => x.Position).SelectMany(x => x.AsTokens()).Select(x => x.Value); //Print out our results and wait Console.WriteLine(string.Join(string.Empty, values)); Console.ReadLine(); } 

我们唯一需要定义的是如何在“复杂”调用的参数列表中实际包装元素。 这由FixParenthesis方法处理。

 private static void FixParenthesis(ref IList<ISourcePart> items) { //Iterate through the set we're examining for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i) { var parseNode = items[i] as ParseNode; //If we've got a parse node... if (parseNode != null) { var nodeTree = parseNode.SourcePart as ParseTree; //If the parse node represents a parse tree... if (nodeTree != null) { //Fix parenthesis within the tree var nodes = nodeTree.ParseNodes; FixParenthesis(ref nodes); nodeTree.ParseNodes = nodes; } //If this parse node required parenthesis, replace the subtree and add them if (parseNode.Tag == ParenthesisRequiredElement) { var nodeContents = parseNode.AsTokens(); var combined = string.Join(string.Empty, nodeContents.OrderBy(x => x.Position).Select(x => x.Value)); items[i] = Token.Create(parseNode.Kind, string.Format("({0})", combined), parseNode.Position); } continue; } var parseTree = items[i] as ParseTree; //If we've got a parse tree... if (parseTree != null) { //Fix parenthesis within the tree var nodes = parseTree.ParseNodes; FixParenthesis(ref nodes); parseTree.ParseNodes = nodes; } } } 


我可能设法处理它(现在testing)。 原来是5阶段的运作。 假设“{”和“;” 不能在函数中发生我已经做了这样的事情:

  sBuffer = Regex.Replace(sBuffer, @"(?<sep>[;])", "};{"); sBuffer = Regex.Replace(sBuffer, @"([(])(?<arg>.+?)[}]", "({${arg}}"); sBuffer = Regex.Replace(sBuffer, @"([;])(?<arg>.+?)([)]){1}", ";${arg}})"); sBuffer = Regex.Replace(sBuffer, @"{", "("); sBuffer = Regex.Replace(sBuffer, @"}", ")"); 


第一行取代; 与}; {


2.对于第一个参数 – (或(没有打算)包含')'的参数replace(arg);与({arg}:




4.5。 用'('')replace'{'和'}':



这是我的第一个正则expression式代码(几天前我发现了rgexp-我是一个开始)。 我希望它能满足所有的情况(至less可以在excel公式中出现的情况)