在Excel中的Visual Basic代码


我想从原始表中search数据,然后根据date和品牌在选定的m1,m2,m3,问题,浪费,额外,重新包装的字段中input数据。 这里的问题是,我的桌子没有根据我的需要进行调整。 这里我的代码没有更新所选date的品牌“b”的数据。


Sub FindMatches() Dim oldrow As Integer Dim newrow As Integer For oldrow = 4 To 14 For newrow = 3 To 20 If Cells(oldrow, 12) = Cells(1, newrow) And Cells(oldrow, 13) = Cells(newrow, 1) Then 'date and brand If Cells(1, 14) = Cells(newrow, 2) Then Cells(newrow, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 14).Value ' m1 End If If Cells(1, 15) = Cells(newrow + 1, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 1, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 15).Value ' m2 End If If Cells(1, 16) = Cells(newrow + 2, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 2, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 16).Value ' m3 End If If Cells(1, 17) = Cells(newrow + 3, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 3, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 17).Value ' issue End If If Cells(1, 18) = Cells(newrow + 4, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 4, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 18).Value ' repack End If If Cells(1, 19) = Cells(newrow + 5, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 5, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 19).Value ' extra End If If Cells(1, 20) = Cells(newrow + 6, 2) Then Cells(newrow + 6, 3).Value = Cells(oldrow, 20).Value ' wastage End If End If Next newrow Next oldrow End Sub 


 Option Explicit Sub FindMatches() Dim rawRng As Range, newTableDateRng As Range, newTableBrandRng As Range, cell As Range, foundDate As Range, foundBrand As Range Set rawRng = Worksheets("shet").Range("L3:T100") Set newTableDateRng = Worksheets("shet").Range("C2:I2") Set newTableBrandRng = Worksheets("shet").Range("A4:A100") With rawRng For Each cell In .Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) Set foundDate = newTableDateRng.Find(What:=cell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not foundDate Is Nothing Then Set foundBrand = FindValue(newTableBrandRng, cell.Offset(, 1)) If Not foundBrand Is Nothing Then cell.Offset(, 2).Resize(, 7).Copy Intersect(foundDate.EntireColumn, foundBrand.EntireRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, , True End If End If Next cell End With End Sub Function FindValue(rng As Range, value As String) As Range On Error Resume Next Set FindValue = rng.Cells(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(value, rng, 0)) On Error GoTo 0 End Function 

请注意,根据您的屏幕截图示例,所有初始设置都是特定于数据“结构”的。 如果需要更改它,则必须遵循相同的“模式”(即rawRng从头下的第一个“原始表”数据行开始,依此类推)。 还要注意在你的发布数据结构中, cell.Offset(, 2).Resize(, 7).Copy语句中使用的7号码需要将值从“m1”复制到“wastage”字段,那么您必须确保“新表”中的每个“品牌”行组必须匹配此模式(即,具有7行)