

Set lists = html.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container") 


  Sub useClassnames() Dim lists As IHTMLElementCollection Dim anchorElements As IHTMLElementCollection Dim ulElement As HTMLUListElement Dim liElement As HTMLLIElement Dim row As Long Dim ie As InternetExplorer Set ie = New InternetExplorer With ie.navigate "https://www.unibet.ro/betting#filter/all/all/all/all/in-play" .Visible = True Do While ie.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE DoEvents Loop End With Set lists = html.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container") row = 1 For Each ulElement In lists For Each liElement In ulElement.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-participants") Set anchorElements = liElement.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-participants__name") If anchorElements.Length > 0 Then Cells(row, 1) = anchorElements.Item(0).innerText row = row + 1 End If Next liElement Next ulElement End Sub 

错误424是一个Object Required错误。 什么是Set lists = html.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container") Html Set lists = html.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container")


 Set lists = ie.document.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container") 


 Sub useClassnames() Dim lists As IHTMLElementCollection Dim anchorElements As IHTMLElementCollection Dim ulElement As HTMLUListElement Dim liElement As HTMLLIElement Dim row As Long Dim ie As InternetExplorer Set ie = New InternetExplorer With ie .navigate "https://www.unibet.ro/betting#filter/all/all/all/all/in-play" .Visible = True Do While ie.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE DoEvents Loop End With Set lists = ie.document.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-item__participants-container") row = 1 For Each ulElement In lists For Each liElement In ulElement.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-participants") Set anchorElements = liElement.getElementsByClassName("KambiBC-event-participants__name") If anchorElements.Length > 0 Then Cells(row, 1) = anchorElements.Item(0).innerText row = row + 1 End If Next liElement Next ulElement End Sub 

