
我正在parsing一个XML文件,并select/赋值给自定义的类列表。 我现在正在做的循环遍历列表追加到Excel表(listobject)。 这是一个简单的例子:

Private employee as New employee_Class ... ProcessXML() employee.GoToFirst Do Set newRow = myTable.ListRows.Add Intersect(newRow.Range, myTable.ListColumns("FirstName").Range).value = employee.FirstName Intersect(newRow.Range, myTable.ListColumns("LastName").Range).value = employee.LastName '... (etc., etc.) employee.Next Loop Until employee.EOF 

我已经得到它的工作。 循环经过十几名员工是可行的,但是当我有400或1000名员工时,需要几分钟的时间。 我想,追加到运行时(不可见)的listobject会更快,然后将运行时listobject(作为一个整体)附加到我的表中,但我不知道该怎么做。


读取超过20,000个XML节点需要一秒钟,但是写入(大约400-500行)大约需要5-10分钟。 我并不太在乎技术上的语法。 有没有人有一个更快,更有效的技术,将数百行附加到Excel表(ListObject)? 提前致谢。

1k recs 0.7秒:

 Sub Tester() Dim d As Object Dim tbl As ListObject, rw As ListRow Dim cols, col, vals, x, t Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1) cols = Array("Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5", "Col6") 'map column names to indexes... Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For Each col In cols d.Add col, tbl.ListColumns(col).Index Next t = Timer Application.ScreenUpdating = False For x = 1 To 1000 Set rw = tbl.ListRows.Add vals = rw.Range.Value vals(1, d("Col1")) = "test1" vals(1, d("Col2")) = "test2" vals(1, d("Col3")) = "test3" vals(1, d("Col4")) = "test4" vals(1, d("Col5")) = "test5" vals(1, d("Col6")) = "test6" rw.Range.Value = vals Next x Debug.Print Timer - t End Sub 


最快的方法可能是填充数组中的数据,然后将数组分配给范围值,然后调整表的大小。 像(重新使用蒂姆·威廉姆斯代码)(0.6为10000):

 Option Explicit Sub Tester() Dim employeeTable As ListObject Set employeeTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1) Dim columnArray As Variant columnArray = Array("Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5", "Col6") Dim dict As Object 'map column names to indexes... Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Dim currentColumn As Variant For Each currentColumn In columnArray dict.Add currentColumn, employeeTable.ListColumns(currentColumn).Index Next Dim t t = Timer Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim numberOfEmployees As Long numberOfEmployees = 10000 Dim employeeArray As Variant ReDim employeeArray(1 To numberOfEmployees, 1 To employeeTable.ListColumns.Count) Dim i As Long For i = 1 To numberOfEmployees employeeArray(i, dict("Col1")) = "test1" employeeArray(i, dict("Col2")) = "test2" employeeArray(i, dict("Col3")) = "test3" employeeArray(i, dict("Col4")) = "test4" employeeArray(i, dict("Col5")) = "test5" employeeArray(i, dict("Col6")) = "test6" Next Dim numberOfTableRows As Long numberOfTableRows = employeeTable.ListRows.Count employeeTable.HeaderRowRange.Offset(numberOfTableRows + 1).Resize(numberOfEmployees).Value = employeeArray employeeTable.Resize employeeTable.HeaderRowRange.Resize(numberOfTableRows + numberOfEmployees + 1) Debug.Print Timer - t End Sub