

这部分代码运行良好。 但我实际上有4个单元格,即C26,C91,C156和C221。 (请参阅代码中的容器1注释)

我设法让它循环,但是我的下面的引用(如B33,C33,D33等)只是写在上面。 反正有写一个循环,可以递增所需的65行所有的后续代码?


Private Sub RunStabSetup() ' Confirmation of Entry to Form If MsgBox("Have you double checked your data is correct and ALL test points have been selected before entering on the spreadsheet?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Worksheets("Req Sheet").Range("C83") = " " If Container1CB.Value > "" Then 'Container 1 Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("C26") = Container1CB '60° CheckBox logic statements If W1T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("B33") = "1" If W1T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("B33") = "" If W2T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("C33") = "2" If W2T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("C33") = "" If W3T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("D33") = "3" If W3T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("D33") = "" If W4T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("E33") = "4" If W4T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("E33") = "" If W5T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("F33") = "5" If W5T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("F33") = "" If W6T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("G33") = "6" If W6T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("G33") = "" If W7T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("H33") = "7" If W7T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("H33") = "" If W8T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("I33") = "8" If W8T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Range("I33") = "" End If End Sub 



 i=2 do while i<= maxColumn If W1T60.Value = True Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Cells(i,33).Value2 = i-1 If W1T60.Value = False Then Application.Worksheets("StabDataCapture").Cells(i,33).Value2 = "" loop 

从你的代码我看不到如何改变Cells(i, j )参数,所以我把它保持不变,但是用类似的逻辑,你可以修改它

有几种不同的方式可以使用for循环和偏移function来做到这一点。 我可能会这样做,首先定义你的范围作为一系列的范围。 Dim rng(0 to 3) as Range ,然后在C列中定义每个4个单元格。

 Set rng(0) = Range("C26") Set rng(1) = Range("C91") Set rng(2) = Range("C156") Set rng(3) = Range("C221") 


 Dim c As Variant For Each c In rng if Container1CB.Value > "" Then Sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Value = Container1CB If W1T60.Value = True Then Sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7,-1).Value = "1" If W1T60.Value = False Then sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7,-1).Value = "" If W2T60.Value = True Then sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7,0).Value = "2" If W2T60.Value = False Then sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7,0).Value = "" .... end if 

或者,你可以使用for循环,如For i = 0 to 65*4 Step 65 ,你可以用Range("C26")replaceCells(i,3).Value

要在“IF-THEN”语句中设置每个值,最好的解决scheme可能是一个数组。 Dim WT(1 To 8) as Variant ,然后可以设置数组的每个值等于W1T60,W2T60等的值。WT WT(1) = W1T60.Value 。 然后代码可以更新为:

 Dim c As Variant Dim i as Integer For Each c In rng if Container1CB.Value > "" Then Sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Value = Container1CB For i = 1 To 8 If WT(i) Then Sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7, i - 2).Value = i else Sheets("StabDataCapture").c.Offset(7, i - 2).Value = "" end if next i End If Next