





Sub RemplirTableaux() Dim FilePath$, TargetFilePath$ Const SheetName$ = "Sheet1" FilePath = "file.xlsx" TargetFilePath$ = "C:\file.xlsx" If Not IsWorkBookOpen(TargetFilePath) Then Workbooks.Open (TargetFilePath) End If Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 5, Now()) For i = 7 To 23 If Workbooks(FilePath).Sheets("ACs").Cells(i, "A") = Cells(1, "B") Then Workbooks(FilePath).Sheets("ACs").Cells(i, "B").Value = Cells(27, "J") Workbooks(FilePath).Sheets("ACs").Cells(i, "C").Value = Cells(27, "K") 'Another filling statements End If Next End Sub Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String) Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long On Error Resume Next ff = FreeFile() Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff Close ff ErrNo = Err On Error GoTo 0 Select Case ErrNo Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True Case Else: Error ErrNo End Select End Function 


 Sub RemplirTableaux() Dim FilePath$, TargetFilePath$ Dim wb As Workbook Dim wsSource As Worksheet Const SheetName$ = "Sheet1" FilePath = "file.xlsx" TargetFilePath$ = "C:\file.xlsx" ' change as necessary Set wsSource = Workbooks("Tableau.xlsx").Sheets("Some sheet") If Not IsWorkBookOpen(TargetFilePath) Then Set wb = Workbooks.Open(TargetFilePath) End If For i = 7 To 23 With wb.Sheets("ACs") If .Cells(i, "A").Value2 = wsSource.Cells(1, "B").Value2 Then .Cells(i, "B").Value = wsSource.Cells(27, "J").Value .Cells(i, "C").Value = wsSource.Cells(27, "K").Value 'Another filling statements End If End With Next End Sub