
我有一个充满数据的Excel表格。 我想在sqlite数据库表中的相同的数据。 目前我必须手动input1 1字段。 有什么办法可以直接导出数据到sqlite数据库表吗?




''' This code uses the openpyxl package for playing around with excel using Python code to convert complete excel workbook (all sheets) to an SQLite database The code assumes that the first row of every sheet is the column name Every sheet is stored in a separate table The sheet name is assigned as the table name for every sheet ''' import sqlite3 import openpyxl from openpyxl import load_workbook import re def slugify(text, lower=1): if lower == 1: text = text.strip().lower() text = re.sub(r'[^\w _-]+', '', text) text = re.sub(r'[- ]+', '_', text) return text #Replace with a database name con = sqlite3.connect('test.db') #replace with the complete path to youe excel workbook wb = load_workbook(filename=r'abc.xlsx') sheets = wb.get_sheet_names() for sheet in sheets: ws = wb[sheet] columns= [] query = 'CREATE TABLE ' + str(slugify(sheet)) + '(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT' for row in ws.rows[0]: query += ', ' + slugify(row.value) + ' TEXT' columns.append(slugify(row.value)) query += ');' con.execute(query) tup = [] for i, rows in enumerate(ws): tuprow = [] if i == 0: continue for row in rows: tuprow.append(unicode(row.value).strip()) if unicode(row.value).strip() != 'None' else tuprow.append('') tup.append(tuple(tuprow)) insQuery1 = 'INSERT INTO ' + str(slugify(sheet)) + '(' insQuery2 = '' for col in columns: insQuery1 += col + ', ' insQuery2 += '?, ' insQuery1 = insQuery1[:-2] + ') VALUES(' insQuery2 = insQuery2[:-2] + ')' insQuery = insQuery1 + insQuery2 con.executemany(insQuery, tup) con.commit() con.close() 

还有一个python脚本( xl2sqlite.py )可以完成这项工作。
