如何从一个Excel工作簿提取数据和输出到另一个使用Python xlrd / xlwt?

我正在尝试编写一个脚本,用于将员工时间表从多个文件复制/粘贴到一个编译文件。 由于他们是带有项目代码的时间表,因此当天员工在其他项目上工作时,某些单元格会留空。 此外,文件已经从xlsx(2007)转换为.csv.xls,这似乎打开xlrd就好了。


import xlrd, xlwt put all following in for or while loop to iterate through files: book = xlrd.open_workbook('mybook.csv.xls') extract data; store data for ouput use for loop to iterate over data, output to final sheet open next file, repeat process storing each output below the previous 

我正在寻找任何有助于我find答案的东西,而不仅仅是代码。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 谢谢。


 from xlrd import XL_CELL_EMPTY, XL_CELL_TEXT, XL_CELL_NUMBER, XL_CELL_DATE, XL_CELL_BOOLEAN, XL_CELL_ERROR, open_workbook from xlwt import Row, easyxf, Workbook method_for_type = { XL_CELL_TEXT: Row.set_cell_text, XL_CELL_NUMBER: Row.set_cell_number, XL_CELL_DATE: Row.set_cell_number, XL_CELL_ERROR: Row.set_cell_error, XL_CELL_BOOLEAN: Row.set_cell_boolean, } date_style = easyxf(num_format_str='yyyy-mm-dd') other_style = easyxf(num_format_str='General') def append_sheet(rsheet, wsheet, wrowx=0): for rrowx in xrange(rsheet.nrows): rrowvalues = rsheet.row_values(rrowx) wrow = wsheet.row(wrowx) for rcolx, rtype in enumerate(rsheet.row_types(rrowx)): if rtype == XL_CELL_EMPTY: continue wcolx = rcolx wmethod = method_for_type[rtype] wstyle = date_style if rtype == XL_CELL_DATE else other_style wmethod(wrow, wcolx, rrowvalues[rcolx], wstyle) wrowx += 1 return wrowx if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, xlrd, xlwt, glob rdpattern, wtfname = sys.argv[1:3] wtbook = Workbook() wtsheet = wtbook.add_sheet('guff') outrowx = 0 for rdfname in glob.glob(rdpattern): rdbook = open_workbook(rdfname) rdsheet = rdbook.sheet_by_index(0) outrowx = append_sheet(rdsheet, wtsheet, outrowx) print outrowx wtbook.save(wtfname) 

我正在为xlutils,xlrd和xlwt创build一个名为excel函数的类,我最终可能会创build一个库。 如果您有兴趣帮助我正在尝试删除工作表function。


这里是如何使用打开的pyxl 复制 : 复制整个工作表与openpyxl

这是pyexcel的文档,它是xlwt,xlrd和xlutils的包装器: https ://pyexcel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


 import xlwt import xlrd import xlutils.copy import xlutils class excelFunctions(): def getSheetNumber(self, fileName, sheetName): # opens existing workbook workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName, on_demand=True) #turns sheet name into sheet number for index, sheet in enumerate(workbook.sheet_names()): if sheet == sheetName: return index def createSheet(self, fileName, sheetName): # open existing workbook rb = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName, formatting_info=True, on_demand=True) # make a copy of it wb = xl_copy(rb) # creates a variable called sheets which stores all the sheet names sheets = rb.sheet_names() # creates a string which is equal to the sheetName user input str1 = sheetName # checks to see if the given sheetName is a current sheet if (str1 not in sheets): # add sheet to workbook with existing sheets Sheet = wb.add_sheet(sheetName) # save the sheet with the same file name as before wb.save(fileName) else: # this declares the sheet variable to be equal to the sheet name the user gives sheet = wb.get_sheet(self.getSheetNumber(fileName, sheetName)) # save the sheet with the same file name as before wb.save(fileName) def createCopy(self, fileName, fileName2, sheetName, sheetName2): # open existing workbook rb = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName, formatting_info=True) # defines sheet as the name of the sheet given sheet = rb.sheet_by_name(sheetName) # makes a copy of the original sheet wb = xl_copy(rb) # creates an int called column_count which is equal to the sheets maximum columns column_count = sheet.ncols - 1 # creates a blank array called stuff Stuff = [] # this loops through adding columns from the given sheet name for i in range (0, column_count): Stuff.append([sheet.cell_value(row, i) for row in range(sheet.nrows)]) # create a sheet if there is not already a sheet self.createSheet(fileName, sheetName2) # defines sheet as the new sheet sheet = wb.get_sheet(self.getSheetNumber(fileName, sheetName2)) # this writes to the sheet for colidx, col in enumerate(Stuff): for rowidx, row in enumerate(col): sheet.write(rowidx, colidx, row) # this saves the file wb.save(fileName2)