
目前我有一个macros,通过列表运行并删除重复值(在一列中),但它被certificate是非常低效的。 对于每一个检查重复的条目,它都必须贯穿整个列; 我的文件目前有50,000个条目,这不是一个小任务。

我认为macros工作的一个更简单的方法是macros来检查这个值是否在一个数组中。 如果是,则删除条目所在的行。如果不是,则将该值添加到数组中。

有人可以提供一些macros的基本纲要的帮助吗? 谢谢

下面的代码将遍历你的源数据并将其存储在一个数组中,同时检查重复项。 收集完成后,它使用该数组作为关键字来知道要删除哪些列。

由于删除的电位器屏幕更新数量很高,请务必closures屏幕更新。 (附带)

Sub Example() Application.ScreenUpdating = false Dim i As Long Dim k As Long Dim StorageArray() As String Dim iLastRow As Long iLastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ReDim StorageArray(1 To iLastRow, 0 To 1) 'loop through column from row 1 to the last row For i = 1 To iLastRow 'add each sheet value to the first column of the array StorageArray(i, 0) = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & i).Value '- keep the second column as 0 by default StorageArray(i, 1) = 0 '- as each item is added, loop through previously added items to see if its a duplicate For k = 1 To i-1 If StorageArray(k, 0) = StorageArray(i, 0) Then 'if it is a duplicate set the second column of the srray to 1 StorageArray(i, 1) = 1 Exit For End If Next k Next i 'loop through sheet backwords and delete rows that were maked for deletion For i = iLastRow To 1 Step -1 If StorageArray(i, 1) = 1 Then ActiveSheet.Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Delete End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = true End Sub 


 Public Sub RemovecolumnDuplicates() Dim prev as Boolean prev = Application.ScreenUpdating Application.ScreenUpdating = false Dim i As Long, k As Long Dim v as Variant, sv as String Dim cl as Range, ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveWorksheet 'NOTE: This really should be a parameter ... Dim StorageArray As New Collection Dim iLastRow As Long iLastRow = ws.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'loop through column from row 1 to the last row i = 1 For k = 1 To iLastRow 'add each sheet value to the collection Set cl = ws.Cells(i, 1) v = cl.Value sv = Cstr(v) On Error Resume Next StorageArray.Add v, sv If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'must be a duplicate, remove it cl.EntireRow.Delete 'Note: our index doesn't change here, since all of the rows moved Else 'not a duplicate, so go to the next row i = i + 1 End If Next k Application.ScreenUpdating = prev End Sub 


(Mea Culpa:我必须在记事本中手工input,因为我的Excel正在忙于正在运行的项目testing,所以可能会有一些拼写/语法错误…)

这是我的评论的后续。 循环50klogging + 循环arrays将是这样一个简单的操作过度杀死。

就像我在我的评论中提到的那样,将数组中的值复制到新的工作表中。 然后在50k条目旁边插入一个空白列,然后做一个VlookupCountIf 。 完成后,执行一次自动筛选,然后删除重复项。 我们来举个例子,看看这个如何工作。

假设我们有一个有1000个项目的数组? 在一页中我们有50k的数据。 下面的代码将1000 items in Array50k Data使用1000 items in Array进行testing请参阅快照


将这段代码粘贴到一个模块中( 代码花费less于5秒完成


 Sub Sample() Dim ws As Worksheet, wstemp As Worksheet Dim LRow As Long Dim Ar(1 To 1000) As Long Dim startTime As String, EndTime As String startTime = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1") Set wstemp = Sheets.Add '~~> Creating a dummy array For i = 1 To 1000 Ar(i) = i Next i '~~> Copy it to the new sheet wstemp.Range("A1:A1000").Value = Application.Transpose(Ar) With ws LRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row .Columns(2).Insert Shift:=xlToRight .Range("B1").Value = "For Deletion" .Range("B2:B" & LRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(" & wstemp.Name & "!C[-1],RC[-1])" .Columns(2).Value = .Columns(2).Value '~~> Remove any filters .AutoFilterMode = False '~~> Filter, offset(to exclude headers) and delete visible rows With .Range("B1:B" & LRow) .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>0" .Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete End With '~~> Remove any filters .AutoFilterMode = False .Columns(2).Delete End With EndTime = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") MsgBox "The process started at " & startTime & " and finished at" & EndTime End Sub 

对于Excel 2007及更高版本:将数组复制到工作表并使用removeduplicates方法:

 set ws = worksheets.add ws.[A1].resize(ubound(yourarray,1),ubound(yourarray,2)).value = yourarray ws.usedrange.removeduplicates columns:=1, header:=no 

这假定您的数组的下限是1,您要重复的列是列1,并且您的列表没有标题。 然后,您可以find新范围的边界并将其读回您的数组(先擦除当前数组)。

我会build议填充你的列,然后使用公式来find重复项并删除它们。 我没有真正的代码给你(你没给我们任何代码)

 dim a as range dim b as range set a = Range ("A1") Do while Not isEmpty(A) Set b = a.offset(1,0) If b = a then b= "" else a.offset (1,0) Loop 
