

这里是我的代码现在,我如何添加超链接function? 我不介意如果我不得不添加另一个模块。

Sub ListFilesAndSubfolders() Dim FSO As Object Dim rsFSO As Object Dim baseFolder As Object Dim file As Object Dim folder As Object Dim row As Integer Dim name As String 'Get the current folder Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set baseFolder = FSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path) Set FSO = Nothing 'Get the row at which to insert row = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row + 1 'Create the recordset for sorting Set rsFSO = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") With rsFSO.Fields .Append "Name", 200, 200 .Append "Type", 200, 200 End With rsFSO.Open ' Traverse the entire folder tree TraverseFolderTree baseFolder, baseFolder, rsFSO Set baseFolder = Nothing 'Sort by type and name rsFSO.Sort = "Type ASC, Name ASC " rsFSO.MoveFirst 'Populate the first column of the sheet While Not rsFSO.EOF name = rsFSO("Name").Value If (name <> ThisWorkbook.name) Then Cells(row, 1).Formula = name row = row + 1 End If rsFSO.MoveNext Wend 'Close the recordset rsFSO.Close Set rsFSO = Nothing End Sub Private Sub TraverseFolderTree(ByVal parent As Object, ByVal node As Object, ByRef rs As Object) 'List all files For Each file In node.Files Dim name As String name = Mid(file.Path, Len(parent.Path) + 2) rs.AddNew rs("Name") = name rs("Type") = "FILE" rs.Update Next 'List all folders For Each folder In node.SubFolders TraverseFolderTree parent, folder, rs Next End Sub 




 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 1), Address:=file.Path, TextToDisplay:=name 



 rs("Path") = file.Path 


 With rsFSO.Fields .Append "Path", 200, 200 .Append "Name", 200, 200 .Append "Type", 200, 200 End With 


  While Not rsFSO.EOF name = rsFSO("Name").Value path = rsFSO("Path").Value If (name <> ThisWorkbook.name) Then ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 1), Address:=path, TextToDisplay:=name row = row + 1 End If rsFSO.MoveNext Wend 


 dim path as string