
我有一个macros的Excel在三个工作簿之间传输数据。 两个工作簿保持不变,只是模板。 第三本工作手册是业务pipe理系统的输出。 它会改变,但始终以“RFQ_”开始。 例如; RFQ_14787,RFQ_14839,RFQ_63528。



代码的所有功劳都归于@Tim Williams,他的回答是我的其他问题之一。

Sub Tester2() Dim wbName As String, shtSrc As Worksheet, shtDest As Worksheet wbName = GetRfqWbName("RFQ_") If Len(wbName) = 0 Then MsgBox "Didn't find the RFQ workbook!" Exit Sub Else 'for example: you can substitute the sheet names instead Set shtSrc = Workbooks(wbName).Sheets(1) Set shtDest = Workbooks("Transfer Template.xlsm").Sheets(1) End If shtSrc.Range("J51").Copy shtDest.Range("B1") End Sub 'get the name of the first workbook which begins with sName... Function GetRfqWbName(sName As String) As String Dim wb As Workbook For Each wb In Workbooks If wb.Name Like sName & "*" Then GetRfqWbName = wb.Name Exit For Next wb End Function 



 For Each wb In Workbooks If wb.Name Like sName & "*" Then GetRfqWbName = wb.Name Exit For Next wb 

Exit For不是if语句的一部分,所以在第一个工作簿被检查后每次都会打开循环 – 无论是否成功…

编辑 :如下更改代码来解决问题

 For Each wb In Workbooks If wb.Name Like sName & "*" Then GetRfqWbName = wb.Name Exit For End If Next wb