
我有多个excel文件,使用apache poi库我可以读取每个excel文件并将数据设置为对象。


emp.id firstname dob 111111 fName 19/10/2011 222222 tName 11/12/2010 


  class Employee { private String empId; private String firstname; private Date dob; public String getEmpId() { return empId; } public void setEmpId(String empId) { this.empId = empId; } public String getFirstname() { return firstname; } public void setFirstname(String firstname) { this.firstname = firstname; } public Date getDob() { return dob; } public void setDob(Date dob) { this.dob = dob; } } 

对于推送数据,我需要从Excel文件中读取并设置为Employee对象。 如果我有超过20个不同的xls文件,那么我需要为每个excel文件编写代码来读取,然后将数据设置为各自的对象。 有没有其他有效的方法来实现呢?



  1. 跳过第一行
  2. 为每一行
    • 创build对象的一个​​实例
    • 填充字段。


 public class SheetReader<T> { private final Supplier<T> supplier; private final List<BiConsumer<Cell, T>> populators; public SheetReader(Supplier<T> supplier, List<BiConsumer<Cell, T>> populators) { this.supplier = supplier; this.populators = populators; } public List<T> readSheet(final Sheet sheet, final boolean hasHeader) { final Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.iterator(); if(hasHeader) { //skip first row rows.next(); } final List<T> ts = new LinkedList<>(); while(rows.hasNext()) { final Row row = rows.next(); final T t = supplier.get(); for(int i =0; i<populators.size();++i) { populators.get(i).accept(row.getCell(i), t); } ts.add(t); } return ts; } } 


 //should be ArrayList due to random access. Could also be Guava ImmutableList final List<BiConsumer<Cell, Employee>> populators = new ArrayList<>(); //add the populators in order populators.add((c, e) -> e.setEmpId(c.getStringCellValue())); populators.add((c, e) -> e.setFirstname(c.getStringCellValue())); populators.add((c, e) -> e.setDob(c.getDateCellValue())); //pass constructor as producer final SheetReader<Employee> reader = new SheetReader<>(Employee::new, populators); //can read many sheets of same type with same reader final List<Employee> employees = reader.readSheet(sheet, true);