
我有一个工作簿已经打破了我想如何分页(从使用小计),但很明显,所有进入一个PDF – 这意味着发送出去,我不得不手动分裂它并重新将每个人的名单保存在100多名员工中。


所以,基本上我的分页符正好是我想要的 – 但是如果从B2:B61中有60个单元格(全部已经订购/分组在一起)中为员工说明了“John Smith”,那么将这60行放在一个PDF页面那么如果从B62:B87的下一个25个单元格为员工说出“Jane Smith”,则使用当前分页符打开一个PDF文件。

是这样的可能吗? 也许使用VBA?


编辑:这里是一个数据的样本 – 我在C列中使用Excel的小计,这是如何获得分页,我想他们在每个组中的变化。 我只是使用打印>>保存到PDF来使我的PDF。 一切都运行良好,除了分页符在组中的每一个变化 – 我想以某种方式Excel根据列D中的内容吐出单独的PDF。这里是电子表格 。 (即使Dropbox似乎删除了当前的分页符,这只是每次C列发生变化)




因此, Worksheet.HPageBreaks.Count例如,将给你的工作表中水平分页符的数量。




重新阅读你的文章后,这个入门代码根据你原来的Q生成两个.pdf文件。我已经把页面长度设置为50行 – 这对字体大小,纸张大小,边距等都很敏感。你需要提供你自己的“ outputPath“来保存你的文件。 示例在一列数据上运行。


 Option Base 1 Sub pdf() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim dArr() As String, outputPath As String, fileStem As String Dim dCol As Long, stRow As Long, endRow As Long, pStRow As Long Dim docCnt As Long, lnCnt As Long Dim rwsPerPage As Integer, topM As Integer, botM As Integer Dim empNme As String Set ws = Sheets("Data") dCol = 2 'col B stRow = 2 'row 2 pStRow = stRow rwsPerPage = 50 topM = 36 'default in points botM = 36 'default in points outputPath = "<yourpath>\" fileStem = "Employee " docCnt = 1 lnCnt = 0 With ws 'set essential page parameters With .PageSetup .Orientation = xlPortrait .TopMargin = topM .BottomMargin = botM End With .ResetAllPageBreaks 'last data row endRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, dCol).End(xlUp).Row 'first employee name empNme = .Cells(stRow, dCol) 'for each data row For c = stRow To endRow lnCnt = lnCnt + 1 'at change of employee name If Not .Cells(c, dCol).Value = empNme Then 'put doc range into array ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt) dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol), .Cells(c - 1, dCol)).Address docCnt = docCnt + 1 'reset startrow of new employee pStRow = c empNme = .Cells(c, dCol).Value 'add hpage break .HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(c, dCol) lnCnt = 0 End If 'at page length If lnCnt = rwsPerPage Then 'add hpage break .HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(lnCnt, dCol) lnCnt = 0 End If Next c 'last employee if appropriate to array If c - 1 > pStRow Then ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt) dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol), .Cells(c, dCol)).Address End If 'produce pdf files For d = 1 To UBound(dArr, 1) .Range(dArr(d)).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _ outputpat & fileStem & d & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _ IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _ OpenAfterPublish:=True Next d End With End Sub 


 Option Base 1 Sub pdf() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim dArr() As String, outputPath As String, fileStem As String Dim dCol As Long, stRow As Long, endRow As Long, pStRow As Long Dim docCnt As Long, lnCnt As Long Dim rwsPerPage As Integer, topM As Integer, botM As Integer Dim empNme As String Set ws = Sheets("Data") dCol = 4 'col D stRow = 2 'row 2 pStRow = stRow rwsPerPage = 50 topM = 36 'default in points botM = 36 'default in points outputPath = "<yourpath>\" fileStem = "Employee " docCnt = 1 lnCnt = 0 With ws 'set essential page parameters With .PageSetup .Orientation = xlPortrait .TopMargin = topM .BottomMargin = botM End With .ResetAllPageBreaks 'last data row endRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, dCol).End(xlUp).Row 'first employee name empNme = .Cells(stRow, dCol) 'for each data row For c = stRow To endRow lnCnt = lnCnt + 1 'at change of employee name If Not .Cells(c, dCol).Value = empNme Then 'put doc range into array ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt) dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol - 3), .Cells(c - 1, dCol - 1)).Address docCnt = docCnt + 1 'reset startrow of new employee pStRow = c empNme = .Cells(c, dCol).Value 'add hpage break .HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(c, dCol) lnCnt = 0 End If 'at page length If lnCnt = rwsPerPage Then 'add hpage break .HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(lnCnt, dCol) lnCnt = 0 End If Next c 'last employee if appropriate to array If c - 1 > pStRow Then ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt) dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol - 3), .Cells(c - 1, dCol - 1)).Address End If 'produce pdf files For d = 1 To UBound(dArr, 1) .Range(dArr(d)).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _ outputPath & fileStem & d & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _ IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _ OpenAfterPublish:=True Next d End With End Sub