以编程方式从Excel数据创build PowerPoint幻灯片

使用Powerpoint 2010 for Mac。

我有一个100幻灯片演示文稿,需要每周创build。 每张幻灯片都有相同的模板。 每张幻灯片上的元素由5个文本字段和一张图片组成,每张幻灯片对应于Excel表格中的数据列。



我的第一个build议是使用主视图创build一个幻灯片模板,占位符和标题都准备好了。 然后运行下面的PowerPointmacros,这样你就可以得到页面上每个形状的名称和索引/ ID。

Sub nameshapes() Dim sld As Slide Dim shp As Shape Set sld = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1) For Each shp In sld.Shapes shp.TextEffect.Text = shp.name & " " & shp.ID Next End Sub 

这是一个快速和肮脏的代码,将每个项目的索引和名称放在您的模板页面,形状本身。 记住,logging这些。 这些是你想要去的地方的参考点。 我不打算循环等的基本知识,但去了关键的代码peices。


 Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application") ppt.Visible = True Set myPPT = ppt.Presentations.add myPPT.ApplyTemplate ("Your template here.potx") 


 For x = 1 To NumberOfPages myPPT.Slides.AddSlide x, myPPT.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(2) '2 is the index of the template I wish to use (in master views, the index is the order they're in (starting from 1) Next 


 For Each dr In .rows 'I'm storing my data in a special collection, you will need to adapt this Set currSlide = myPPT.Slides(dr.cell("OutputPage").Value) 'go to the right page Sheets(dr.cell("SheetName").toString).Activate 'make sure the data you want is active ActiveSheet.Range(Names(dr.cell("ChartID").Value)).CopyPicture 'copy the table as a picture, this is easiest for formatting in powerpoint, but you can do lots of things here currSlide.Select currSlide.Shapes("Content Placeholder " & dr.cell("Output Position").toString).Select 'the output position is the index from the first bit of code, ppt.ActiveWindow.View.Paste next 



迭代可能超过幻灯片和表格行,它们可能是嵌套的。 支持图像replace,也在表格单元格中。

免责声明 :我是SlideMight的开发者和销售商。