Excel VLOOKUP使用string在文件中查找数据。 太慢了

这是我能得到的最好的。 成为任何人的search,并需要这种types的数据拉的最佳答案。 我不得不把它分解成几个部分; 这些工作计算机不能处理这种types的负载。 最大的数据拉动是大约800行,并需要大约一分钟拉动所有的公式和数据。 感谢下面的人们和他们的帮助。

Sub Update() Dim ScreenUpdateState As Boolean Dim StatusBarShow As Boolean Dim CalcState As Long Dim EventState As Boolean Dim ws As Worksheet Dim location_string As String Dim count As Integer 'Save the current state of Excel settings ScreenUpdateState = Application.ScreenUpdating StatusBarShow = Application.DisplayStatusBar CalcState = Application.Calculation EventState = Application.EnableEvents 'Change Excel to faster procedure settings Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.EnableEvents = False ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("%") location_string = Sheets("Driver(s)").Cells(5, "G").Text For count = 7 To 139 Cells(count, "F").Formula = "=IFERROR((VLOOKUP($C" & count & ",'S:\xxxx\xxxxx\xxxxxx\xxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlsx]" + location_string + "'!$A:$K,11,FALSE)),"" - "")" Next count 'Restore Excel settings to original state Application.ScreenUpdating = ScreenUpdateState Application.DisplayStatusBar = StatusBarShow Application.Calculation = CalcState Application.EnableEvents = EventState MsgBox ("Update Complete") End Sub 


  • 罗斯


好吧,我现在有这个,它的工作原理。 然而,这个代码只能运行1/16的所需计算,需要几分钟的时间才能完成,所以速度慢。 任何人都知道加快这个过程的方法吗?

 Sub Test() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim location_string As String Dim count As Integer Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("%") location_string = ws.Cells(2, "E").Text count = 7 While count < 138 Cells(count, "F").Formula = "=IFERROR((VLOOKUP($C" & count & ", 'S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx\[xxxxxx.xlsx]" + location_string + "'!$A:$K,11,FALSE)),"" - "")" count = count + 1 Wend MsgBox ("Done") End Sub 



 =CONCATENATE ((INDEX('Driver(s)'!$B$1:$B$48,'Driver(s)'!$G$3,1)),"Epic") 



 S:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxx\xx\xx\xx\[Random File Name.xlsx]0614Epic'!$A:$K 

根据下拉框,#### Epic文件将会以string的forms更改为正确的值,但无法从正确的工作簿中获取Vlookup。 我也需要这个打开未打开的工作簿。 太多的数据导入Excel工作簿本身。


  • 罗斯

如果没有使用VLOOKUP,请跳到奖励信息。 而不是让VLOOKUP公式重新计算每个更改并放慢您的电子表格,您可以使用VBA查找并将值放入单元格而不是公式。 我尽最大努力量身定做。 如果您对任何部件有任何疑问,请告诉我们。

 Function WorksheetExists(ByVal WorksheetName As String) As Boolean Dim Sht As Worksheet For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If Application.Proper(Sht.Name) = Application.Proper(WorksheetName) Then WorksheetExists = True Exit Function End If Next Sht End Function Sub RossQuestion() Dim wbdata As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim Cell As Range Dim location_string As String Dim strcheck As String Dim count As Integer Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("%") location_string = ws.Cells(2, "E").Text count = 7 While count < 138 Set wbdata = Workbooks.Open("S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx\xxxxxx.xlsx", , True) If WorksheetExists(location_string) Then Set Cell = wbdata.Sheets(location_string).Columns("A").Find(ws.Range("$C$" & count).Value, _ wbdata.Sheets(location_string).Range("A1"), xlFormulas, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, False) strcheck = Cell.Offset(0, 10).Value If Len(Trim(strcheck)) <> 0 Then ws.Cells(count, "F").Value = Cell.Offset(0, 10).Value Else ws.Cells(count, "F").Value = " - " End If Else ws.Cells(count, "F").Value = " - " End If count = count + 1 wbdata.Close False Wend MsgBox "Done" End Sub 


如果你不打包你的代码这样的事情,考虑使用这个为所有未来的VBA。 这个链接的第一个提示详细说明了这些操作。

 Dim ScreenUpdateState As Boolean Dim StatusBarShow As Boolean Dim CalcState As Long Dim EventState As Boolean 'Save the current state of Excel settings ScreenUpdateState = Application.ScreenUpdating StatusBarShow = Application.DisplayStatusBar CalcState = Application.Calculation EventState = Application.EnableEvents 'Change Excel to faster procedure settings Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.EnableEvents = False ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False '<<<YOUR CODE HERE>>> 'Restore Excel settings to original state Application.ScreenUpdating = ScreenUpdateState Application.DisplayStatusBar = StatusBarShow Application.Calculation = CalcState Application.EnableEvents = EventState 




 =VLOOKUP('Driver(s)'!$G$3, 'S:\xxxxx\FileName.xlsx'!$A:$K, 3, FALSE) 


 =VLOOKUP('Driver(s)'!$G$3, 'S:\xxxxx\ & O614Epic & .xlsx'!$A:$K, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP('Driver(s)'!$G$3, 'S:\xxxxx\ & INDIRECT(B1) & Epic.xlsx'!$A:$K, 3, FALSE) 

除了完整的pathstring以外的任何内容都被认为太易变。 MATCH INDEX也一样。 不幸的是,VLOOKUP不像你想要的那样dynamic,#### Epic需要被你input为O614Epic,而不是来自另一个单元格。

总是有VBA。 一切都可能与VBA。


 Sub Test() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim location_string As String Dim myformula As String With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .DisplayAlerts = False End With Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("%") location_string = ws.Cells(2, "E").Value '~~> I'd suggest you use Value myformula = "=IFERROR((VLOOKUP($C7,'S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx\[xxxxxx.xlsx]" & _ location_string & "'!$A:$K,11,FALSE)),"" - "")" Range("F7:F138").Formula = myformula Msgbox "Done" With Application .ScreenUpdating = True .DisplayAlerts = True End With End Sub 

这在我的机器上需要5秒钟,但是如果目标文件在networking服务器中,它将会有所不同。 HTH。