在Excel VBA中,如何将关键variables保存在“状态丢失”(不写入单元格或文件)?

Excel VBA是一个灵活的开发环境。 这是编译。 但是,有时在开发过程中会出现“国家损失”。 所有variables都被拆除时,“状态损失”就是这样。 事实上,VBA有一个选项“状态丢失前通知”选项进行分类。 在所有情况下都不能编辑和继续编码,这并不奇怪。 然而,有时在生产中运行状态损失,因为打开一些其他的工作簿可能会导致您的应用程序会话的创伤(相信我,它发生!)




Sub Usage() Dim dict As Object Set dict = GetPersistentDictionary() End Sub 
 Public Function GetPersistentDictionary() As Object ' References: ' mscorlib.dll ' Common Language Runtime Execution Engine Const name = "weak-data" Static dict As Object If dict Is Nothing Then Dim host As New mscoree.CorRuntimeHost Dim domain As mscorlib.AppDomain host.Start host.GetDefaultDomain domain If IsObject(domain.GetData(name)) Then Set dict = domain.GetData(name) Else Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") domain.SetData name, dict End If End If Set GetPersistentDictionary = dict End Function 


解决scheme是有一个简单的容器,我selectScripting.Dictionary,编译成一个DLL,并使用COM访问VBA。 在过去,人们可以使用VB6。

现在,也可以使用C ++,但是在这里我介绍了一个C#解决scheme(使用COM互操作)。

 using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace VBAStateLossProofStorageLib { // Code curated by S Meaden from Microsoft documentation // 1. C# Shared Class library // 2. In AssemblyInfo.cs set ComVisible(true) // 3. In Project Properties->Build check 'Register for Interop' // 4. Add Com reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime public interface IVBAStateLossProofStorage { Scripting.Dictionary getGlobalDictionary(); } [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ComDefaultInterface(typeof(IVBAStateLossProofStorage))] public class VBAStateLossProofStorage : IVBAStateLossProofStorage { public Scripting.Dictionary getGlobalDictionary() { return CVBAStateLossProofStorage.m_dictionary; } } // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/79b3xss3.aspx // "a static class remains in memory for the lifetime of the application domain in which your program resides. " [ComVisible(false)] static class CVBAStateLossProofStorage { public static Scripting.Dictionary m_dictionary; static CVBAStateLossProofStorage() { m_dictionary = new Scripting.Dictionary(); } } } 

这里有一些客户VBA代码来演示。 需要一个工具 – >引用到在Dll旁边创build的types库(.tlb文件)。

 Option Explicit Public gdicLossy As New Scripting.Dictionary Public gdicPermanent As Scripting.Dictionary Sub RunFirst() Set gdicLossy = New Scripting.Dictionary gdicLossy.add "Greeting", "Hello world!" Dim o As VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage Set o = New VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage Set gdicPermanent = o.getGlobalDictionary gdicPermanent.RemoveAll '* clears it down gdicPermanent.add "Greeting", "Bonjour!" End '* THIS PROVOKES A STATE LOSS - ALL VARIABLES ARE TORN DOWN - EVENT HANDLERS DISAPPEAR End Sub Sub RunSecond() Debug.Assert gdicLossy.Count = 0 '* sadly we have lost "Hello world!" forever Dim o As VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage Set o = New VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage Set gdicPermanent = o.getGlobalDictionary Debug.Assert gdicPermanent.Count = 1 '* Happily we have retained "Bonjour!" as it was safe in its compiled Dll Debug.Assert gdicPermanent.Item("Greeting") = "Bonjour!" End Sub