Excel VBAselect一个单元格范围,直到单元格包含特定文本

我已经能够在工作表中search一个名字(下面代码中的Dion),并将包含名称Dion的行复制到不同的工作表中。 但是,目标工作表可能包含与源工作表中文本的最后一列相邻和超出的列中的文本。


我也尝试改变If Cells(...).Value = "Dion" Then If Range("A1:CS1000")...但不断出现types不匹配错误。

这是我的VBA代码。 我知道这可能是非常低效的,但这是我能够做的工作:

 Dim r As Long Dim endRow As Long Dim pasteRowIndex As Long Worksheets("Tracking").Activate endRow = 500 pasteRowIndex = 1 For r = 6 To endRow If Cells(r, Columns("BM").Column).Value = "Dion" Then Rows(r).Select 'Code above shoud select all cells from Rows(r) until a cell contains the text "End" Selection.Copy Worksheets("Dion").Select Rows(pasteRowIndex + 5).Select ActiveSheet.Paste pasteRowIndex = pasteRowIndex + 1 Worksheets("Tracking").Select End If Next r 



 Dim r As Long Dim endRow As Long Dim pasteRowIndex As Long Dim endCell As Range 'Use With block so that we can write '.' instead of 'Worksheets("Tracking").' With Worksheets("Tracking") endRow = 500 pasteRowIndex = 1 For r = 6 To endRow 'Always qualify 'Cells', 'Range', 'Columns' and 'Rows' objects so that we 'know what sheet we are referring to 'Also, as pointed out by ASH, ' Columns("BM").Column ' can be 'shortened to ' "BM" ' If .Cells(r, "BM").Value = "Dion" Then 'Find, in the current row, the location of the first cell containing "End" 'Note: If you want to search for the word "End" by itself, rather than just '"End" within the cell (eg in the value "Endymion"), change "xlPart" to '"xlWhole" Set endCell = .Rows(r).Find(What:="End", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, After:=.Cells(r, "A")) If endCell Is Nothing Then 'If no "End" found, copy the entire row .Rows(r).Copy Worksheets("Dion").Rows(pasteRowIndex + 5) Else 'If "End" found, copy from column A to the cell containing "End" 'Note: I have assumed you don't want to copy the "End" cell itself .Range(.Cells(r, "A"), endCell.Offset(0, -1)).Copy Worksheets("Dion").Rows(pasteRowIndex + 5).Cells(1, "A") End If pasteRowIndex = pasteRowIndex + 1 End If Next r End With