Excel VBA激活Range类的方法失败


Sub initialize() dim MonthName as string dim MainWB as workbook dim VisualWS as worksheet MonthName = cells (1,1).value Set MainWB = ThisWorkbook Set VisualWS = MainWB.Worksheets("Visual") With VisualWS .Range("L1:W1").Find(MonthName, , xlValues, xlWhole).Activate End With MonthCol = ActiveCell.Column End Sub 

根据Range.Find上的文档 ,“如果找不到匹配,方法返回Nothing ”。

最有可能的是,你的.Range()。Find()方法没有find任何匹配,因此返回Nothing ,它没有一个函数Activate


 Dim findResult As Range Set findResult = .Range("L1:W1").Find(MonthName, , xlValues, xlWhole) If findResult <> Nothing then findResult.Activate 

Find可能会返回Nothing ,所以我宁愿写:

 With VisualWS set target = .Range("L1:W1").Find(MonthName, , xlValues, xlWhole) End With If target is Nothing Then DoSomething else MonthCol = target.Cells(1,1).Column End if 
