Excel VBA:将excel列从一个文件复制到相同名称的其他文件(在不同的文件夹中)

我有每月生成相同types的文件。 数据文件具有相同的名称,但位于不同的文件夹中。 我想要的是将上个月的数据文件的特定列(计算结果)复制到新月的数据文件。 我努力了 。 但是拿不到。 我得到这个错误。 “VBA对象不支持这个属性或方法”


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim CSVfolder, CSVfolder1, CSVfolder2 As String Dim XlsFolder, XlsFolder1, XlsFolder2 As String Dim fname, fname1, fname2 As String Dim wBook As Workbook Dim vArr, vArr1, vArr2 Dim vFile, vFile1, vFile2 vArr = Array("Bangalore") CSVfolder = "C:\Charts\0\" CSVfolder1 = "C:\Charts\1\" CSVfolder2 = "C:\Charts\2\" XlsFolder = "C:\Charts\0\" XlsFolder1 = "C:\Charts\1\" XlsFolder2 = "C:\Charts\2\" vArr1 = Array("Bangalore") vArr2 = Array("Bangalore") Dim fileName, Pathname As String Dim WB, WB1, WB2 As Workbook Pathname = "c:\Charts\0\" Dim fileName1, Pathname1 As String Pathname1 = "c:\Charts\1\" For Each vFile1 In vArr1 fileName1 = Dir(Pathname1 & vFile1 & "\" & "*.xlsx") Do While fileName1 <> "" Set WB1 = Workbooks.Open(Pathname1 & vFile1 & "\" & fileName1) WB1.Application.ScreenUpdating = False WB1.ActiveSheet.Columns("M").Copy ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=False Workbooks.Open (Pathname & vFile & "\" & fileName1) ActiveSheet.Columns("C").Select ActiveSheet.Paste ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=True Loop Next Dim fileName2, Pathname2 As String Pathname2 = "c:\Charts\2\" For Each vFile2 In vArr2 fileName2 = Dir(Pathname1 & vFile2 & "\" & "*.xlsx") Do While fileName2 <> "" Set WB2 = Workbooks.Open(Pathname2 & vFile2 & "\" & fileName2) WB2.Application.ScreenUpdating = False WB2.ActiveSheet.Columns("M").Copy WB2.ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=False Workbooks.Open (Pathname & vFile & "\" & fileName2) ActiveSheet.Columns("D").Select ActiveSheet.Paste ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=True Loop Next End Sub 

我想打开一个文件。 复制一列。 closures它。 打开另一个同名的文件。 粘贴它。 ….这就是所有…但错误发生。 请帮助我。 提前致谢。

 ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=True 

您无法closures工作表。 您只能closures工作簿。 更改您要closures的工作簿。


 Workbooks.Open (Pathname & vFile & "\" & fileName1) 

小心在一行上声明几个variablesDim CSVfolder, CSVfolder1, CSVfolder2 As String因为在这里你只声明了最后一个String ,其他的都是Variant 。 如果您希望将它们放在同一行上,请每次将types声明为“将Dim CSVfolder As String, CSVfolder1 As String, CSVfolder2 As String



当使用Dir函数循环访问文件时,需要记住再次调用Dir ,但在循环内没有参数:

 filename = Dir("some_path") Do While filename <> "" ' do something here ... filename = Dir ' this finds the next filename Loop 

在你现有的代码中,你使用了vFilevariables,但是在这里没有设置。 您设置了vArrvariables,但是无处使用它。


 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim CSVfolder As String, CSVfolder1 As String, CSVfolder2 As String Dim XlsFolder As String, XlsFolder1 As String, XlsFolder2 As String Dim vArr As Variant, vArr1 As Variant, vArr2 As Variant Dim Pathname As String Dim Pathname2 As String Dim Pathname1 As String vArr = Array("Bangalore") ' never gets used CSVfolder = "C:\Charts\0\" CSVfolder1 = "C:\Charts\1\" CSVfolder2 = "C:\Charts\2\" XlsFolder = "C:\Charts\0\" XlsFolder1 = "C:\Charts\1\" XlsFolder2 = "C:\Charts\2\" vArr1 = Array("Bangalore") vArr2 = Array("Bangalore") Pathname2 = "c:\Charts\2\" Pathname = "c:\Charts\0\" Pathname1 = "c:\Charts\1\" Application.ScreenUpdating = False CopyTheColumn vArr1, Pathname1, Pathname, "M", "C" CopyTheColumn vArr2, Pathname2, Pathname, "M", "D" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub CopyTheColumn(ByRef fileNamesArray As Variant, ByRef sourcePath As String, ByRef destPath As String, ByRef sourceColumnLetter As String, ByRef destColumnLetter As String) ' Copies the sourceColumnLetter column from all files found in sourcePath ' and pastes into destColumnLetter in file with same name in destPath Dim vFile As Variant Dim sourceFileName As String, destFileName As String Dim sourceBook As Workbook, destBook As Workbook For Each vFile In fileNamesArray sourceFileName = Dir(sourcePath & vFile & "\" & "*.xlsx") Do While sourceFileName <> "" Set sourceBook = Workbooks.Open(sourcePath & vFile & "\" & sourceFileName) sourceBook.ActiveSheet.Columns(sourceColumnLetter).Copy sourceBook.Close SaveChanges:=False Set destBook = Workbooks.Open(destPath & vFile & "\" & sourceFileName) destBook.ActiveSheet.Columns(destColumnLetter).Paste destBook.Close SaveChanges:=True sourceFileName = Dir Loop Next End Sub 

使用复制|粘贴就像是要求麻烦。 而是使用Range.Copy …目标,如下所述: https ://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff837760.aspx

使用复制|粘贴有一个威胁,在另一个Windows程序(说Word)的中间,你可以使用复制|粘贴。 这样你就可以将复制的列的内容粘贴到Word中。 并在同一时间你要粘贴到Word的Excel内容。 这是因为所有的Windows程序共享相同的剪贴板。

使用Range.Copy |目的地是更困难的,因为您必须同时打开这两个文件,但Excel不允许打开两个文件具有相同的名称。 解决scheme是使用临时文件,在这个伪代码:

 Sub CopyDestination(SourceFile, Path1, Path2, MyRange) Set Temp as Workbook Set File1 = open Path1 & SourceFile File1.Sheet.MyRange.Copy Destination:= Temp.Sheet.MyRange File1.Close False Set File2 = open Path2 & SourceFile Temp.Sheet.MyRange.Copy Destination:= File2.Sheet.MyRange File2.Close True Temp.Clear End Sub 

