Excel VBA查找date中两个date之间的差异。 date来自不同的工作表

我想要使​​用Excel中的macros从两个date中获取date差异。 在第一个date的增加应该来自sheet1



  Dim i As Range,j As Range, ifind As Range, y,z, dest As Range, jfind As Range On Error Resume Next Worksheets("sheet3").Cells.Clear With Worksheets("sheet1") .UsedRange.Copy Worksheets("sheet3").Range("a1") For Each i In Range(.Range("D2"), .Range("D2").End(xlDown)) y=i.value With Worksheets("sheet1") Set ifind = .Cells.Find(what:=y, lookat:=ylWhole) For Each j In Range(.Range("D2"), .Range("D2").End(xlDown)) z=j.value With Worksheets("sheet2") Set jfind = .Cells.Find(what:=z, lookat:=zlWhole) If ifind and jfind Is Nothing Then GoTo line1 set datefind="datedif("ifind","jfind","d")" .Copy With Worksheets("sheet3") End with 'sheet2 end with 'sheet2 line1: Next end with 'sheet1 Application.CutCopyMode = False 


 Sub Days() 'Count Number of Dates in "Sheet1" Sheets("Sheet1").Select NumberDates = 0 t = 1 Do While Cells(t, 1) t = t + 1 Loop NumberDates = t - 1 'Place Formula for date difference in Sheet3 Sheets("Sheet3").Select With ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(t, 1)) .Formula = "=DAYS(Sheet2!A1,Sheet1!A1)" End With End Sub 


 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim currDate As Date Dim dateOffset As Integer Dim count1 As Integer Dim str As String Dim cuntfinal As Integer Dim strfinal As String countfinal = 2 count1 = 2 count0 = 2 strdate = "d" & CStr(count0) For Each cell In Range(Sheet3.Range(strdate), Sheet3.Range(strdate).End(xlDown)) strdate = "d" & CStr(count0) count0 = count0 + 1 If cell Is Nothing Then GoTo line10 startDate = Sheets("Sheet3").Range(strdate) str = "h" & CStr(count1) For Each cell1 In Range(Sheet3.Range(str), Sheet3.Range(str).End(xlDown)) count1 = count1 + 1 GoTo line20 Next cell1 line20: If cell1 Is Nothing Then GoTo line10 currDate = Sheets("Sheet3").Range(str) If currDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then GoTo line40 dateOffset = DateDiff("d", startDate, currDate) line30: strfinal = "j" & CStr(countfinal) Sheets("Sheet3").Range(strfinal) = dateOffset countfinal = countfinal + 1 line10: Next cell line40: strfinal = "j" & CStr(countfinal) Sheets("Sheet3").Range(strfinal) = " " countfinal = countfinal + 1 GoTo line10 End Sub