如何在Excel VBA中使用表的前两列在用户窗体上创build两列combobox?

我正在寻找生成一个用户窗体中的combobox,单击我的Excel电子表格上的命令buttonpopup。 目的是从combobox中selectdate和时间(包括特定date的多个条目的时间),然后单击表单上的“完成操作”命令button将值从“否”更改为“是”在所选条目的行的结尾处的单元格中。


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim v, e With Sheets("Phone Log").Range("B9:C76") v = .Value End With With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") .comparemode = 1 For Each e In v If Not .exists(e) Then .Add e, Nothing Next If .Count Then Me.combobox1.List = Application.Transpose(.keys) End With End Sub 






 Option Explicit Private Dic As New Scripting.dictionary 'needs a reference to "Microsoft scripting Runtime" in VBE>Tools>Reference Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim h$ Dim i& h = Me.ComboBox1.Value If h = vbNullString Then Exit Sub i = Dic(h) 'converts to a Long in this case ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Phone Log").Cells(i, 3).Value2 = "YES" '3 is the "C" Column End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim v() 'needs to be a variant Dim e$ 'is actually a string Dim i& 'that's a Long With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Phone Log").Range("B1:B76") 'i only start at 1, because else i would need to be i-8 later on v = .Value 'do NOT use .value2 in case of dates, or currencys End With 'Set Dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") With Dic ' .comparemode = 1 'didn't find help on this one, not needed i guess 'For Each e In v For i = 9 To 76 e = v(i, 1) If e <> vbNullString Then If Not .exists(e) Then Dic(e) = i '.Add e,i 'or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Phone Log").cells(i,2).address Next i If .Count > 0 Then Me.ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(.keys) 'i learned something here End With Erase v End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() Set Dic = Nothing End Sub 




 With Me.Combobox1 .ColumnCount = 3 .ColumnWidths = "44;70;30" .ListWidth = 150 .Clear .AddItem "*.XLSB" .List(0, 1) = "Binary" .List(0, 2) = "50" .AddItem "*.XLSM" .List(1, 1) = "Macro Enabled" .List(1, 2) = "52" .AddItem "*.XLS" .List(2, 1) = "Excel97" .List(2, 2) = "56" .ListIndex = 0 End With