Excel VBA – 将范围读入Variant,同时保持与列号相同的索引

我在Excel 2013中写了一个vbamacros。我有下面的代码来读取一个variables的范围,

Dim MyBuffer As Variant With MyWorkSheet MyBuffer = .Range(.Cells(1, NAME_COL), .Cells(10, AGE_COL)).Value End With 'Here NAME_COL = 5, AGE_COL = 9 

现在MyBuffer是一个二维数组,索引范围从(1,1)到(10,5)。 我想知道是否有办法维护指标的第二部分相同的列号。 即从(1,5)到(10,9),这样我可以使用常量NAME_COL,AGE_COL等访问variables。 这主要是为了可读性(以便其他程序员可以很容易地看到我正在访问哪个条目)和可维护性(在表单上添加/删除/交换列的情况)。 感谢任何帮助,找出相同的。 请注意,我不考虑进一步复制到另一个具有修改索引的数组,或具有另一组Variant位置(NAME_POS,AGE_POS等)的常量。


 With MyWorkSheet MyBuffer = .Range(.Cells(1, NAME_COL), .Cells(10, AGE_COL)).Value ReDim Preserve MyBuffer(LBound(MyBuffer) To UBound(MyBuffer), NAME_COL To AGE_COL) End With 


 // Shift column indices, without increasing number of columns 1000R x 20C --> 1000R x 20C = 4.7 micro secs (address remains same) 100,000R x 20C --> 100,000R x 20C = 6.3 micro secs (address remains same) // Shift column indices, and increase number of columns 1000R x 20C --> 1000R x 21C = 80 micro secs (address changes) 100,000R x 20C --> 100,000R x 21C = 13.5 milli secs (address changes) 


 Option Explicit Declare Function GetFrequency Lib "kernel32" Alias "QueryPerformanceFrequency" (Frequency As Currency) As Long Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias "QueryPerformanceCounter" (TickCount As Currency) As Long Sub Test() Dim MyWorkSheet As Worksheet Dim MyBuffer As Variant Dim FirstRow As Long Dim FirstCol As Long Dim LastRow As Long Dim LastCol As Long Dim Message As String Set MyWorkSheet = Sheets("Test") FirstRow = 1 FirstCol = 1 LastRow = 100000 LastCol = 20 ' Read the range into buffer With MyWorkSheet MyBuffer = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstCol), .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value End With ' Check the address before ReDim Message = "Value At " & VarPtr(MyBuffer(FirstRow, FirstCol)) & " = " & MyBuffer(FirstRow, FirstCol) ' Shift the column indices FirstCol = FirstCol + 100 LastCol = LastCol + 100 ' Modify this to change column count as well ' ReDim the buffer to shifted column indices and measure time taken Timer ReDim Preserve MyBuffer(FirstRow To LastRow, FirstCol To LastCol) Timer ' Check the address after ReDim Message = Message & Chr(10) & "Value At " & VarPtr(MyBuffer(FirstRow, FirstCol)) & " = " & MyBuffer(FirstRow, FirstCol) MsgBox Message End Sub Sub Timer() Dim TickCount As Currency GetTickCount TickCount Static Frequency As Currency If Frequency = 0 Then GetFrequency Frequency End If Static FirstTime As Double If Frequency Then If FirstTime <> 0 Then MsgBox "Elapsed : " & (TickCount / Frequency) - FirstTime FirstTime = 0 Else FirstTime = TickCount / Frequency End If End If End Sub