Excel VBA – 使用数组来查找和replacestring


Dim Keywords As Variant Dim MachineNames As Variant Keywords = Array("SAM ", "Press ", "Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA ", "FA 1", "FA1", "FA 2", "FA2", "FA 3", "FA3", "FA 4", "FA4", "FA 5", "FA5", "FA 6", "FA6", "FA 7", "FA7", "FA 8", "FA8", "FA 9", "FA9", "FA 10", "FA10", "FA 11", "FA11", "FA 12", "FA12", "St 120", "St 95", "St 90C", "Flex Arc", "Flex Arch", "Hammond", "Acme", "Polish", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Mark", "Vin Stamp", "Telesis", "Pinstamp", "Pin stamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E Coat", "Ecoat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line1", "Line 2", "Line2", "Line 3", "Line3", "Line 4", "Line4", "Line 5", "Line5", "Line 6", "Line6", "St 100", "St 30", "St 150", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser1", "Laser 2", "Laser2", "Laser 3", "Laser3", "Laser 4", "Laser4", "Laser 5", "Laser5", "Laser 6", "Laser6", "Laser Seamer", "Laser Seam", "Laser Seemer", _ "Vin Laser", "Monode", "Sub", "Tip", "Tip Change", "Swingarm Press", "Swing arm Press", "Bearing Press", "Medallion Press", "Footboard Press", "AIDA", "Cushion", "Press 1", "Press1", "Press 2", "Press2", "Press 3", "Press3", "Press 4", "Press4") MachineNames = Array("SAM", "Press", "Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA", "FA 1", "FA 1", "FA 2", "FA 2", "FA 3", "FA 3", "FA 4", "FA 4", "FA 5", "FA 5", "FA 6", "FA 6", "FA 7", "FA 7", "FA 8", "FA 8", "FA 9", "FA 9", "FA 10", "FA 10", "FA 11", "FA 11", "FA 12", "FA 12", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA", "FA", "Polish (Hammond)", "Polish (Acme)", "Polish", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Stamp", "Vin Stamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 2", "Line 3", "Line 3", "Line 4", "Line 4", "Line 5", "Line 5", "Line 6", "Line 6", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser 1", "Laser 2", "Laser 2", "Laser 3", "Laser 3", "Laser 4", "Laser 4", "Laser 5", "Laser 5", "Laser 6", "Laser 6", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", _ "Laser (Vin)", "Laser (Monode)", "Sub", "Tip", "Tip", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Bearing)", "Press (Medallion)", "Press (Footboard)", "Press (AIDA)", "Press", "Press 1", "Press 1", "Press 2", "Press 2", "Press 3", "Press 3", "Press 4", "Press 4") Range("A2").Activate Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10) <> "" 'there are cells filled at the bottom of the sheet already. 'There are 49 array items, so 0 - 48 For i = 0 To 48 Set C = ActiveCell.Find(Keywords(i), LookIn:=xlValues) If Not C Is Nothing Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = MachineNames(i) Next i ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Loop 

我有这个问题,有时候会find价值,有时候却不是。 我意识到,在数组中的项目的顺序可以导致这一点。 例如:A2包含“Press”B2包含“Line”(*注意,两个单元格都不包含这两个string。)

当“Press”位于数组列表的后面时,它会打印“Other Machines”,但是当它位于数组列表的前面时,它会打印“Press”,但是之后用于打印“Line”的位置打印“其他机器”。


如果你决定使用VBA这将是一个更有效的版本 – 你不需要激活单元格

 Option Explicit Public Sub UpdateMachineNames() Dim keywords As Variant Dim machineNames As Variant Dim k As Long keywords = Array("SAM ", "Press ", "Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA ", "FA 1", "FA1", "FA 2", "FA2", "FA 3", "FA3", "FA 4", "FA4", "FA 5", "FA5", "FA 6", "FA6", "FA 7", "FA7", "FA 8", "FA8", "FA 9", "FA9", "FA 10", "FA10", "FA 11", "FA11", "FA 12", "FA12", "St 120", "St 95", "St 90C", "Flex Arc", "Flex Arch", "Hammond", "Acme", "Polish", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Mark", "Vin Stamp", "Telesis", "Pinstamp", "Pin stamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E Coat", "Ecoat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line1", "Line 2", "Line2", "Line 3", "Line3", "Line 4", "Line4", "Line 5", "Line5", "Line 6", "Line6", "St 100", "St 30", "St 150", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser1", "Laser 2", "Laser2", "Laser 3", "Laser3", "Laser 4", "Laser4", "Laser 5", "Laser5", "Laser 6", "Laser6", "Laser Seamer", "Laser Seam", "Laser Seemer", _ "Vin Laser", "Monode", "Sub", "Tip", "Tip Change", "Swingarm Press", "Swing arm Press", "Bearing Press", "Medallion Press", "Footboard Press", "AIDA", "Cushion", "Press 1", "Press1", "Press 2", "Press2", "Press 3", "Press3", "Press 4", "Press4") machineNames = Array("SAM", "Press", "Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA", "FA 1", "FA 1", "FA 2", "FA 2", "FA 3", "FA 3", "FA 4", "FA 4", "FA 5", "FA 5", "FA 6", "FA 6", "FA 7", "FA 7", "FA 8", "FA 8", "FA 9", "FA 9", "FA 10", "FA 10", "FA 11", "FA 11", "FA 12", "FA 12", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA", "FA", "Polish (Hammond)", "Polish (Acme)", "Polish", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Stamp", "Vin Stamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 2", "Line 3", "Line 3", "Line 4", "Line 4", "Line 5", "Line 5", "Line 6", "Line 6", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser 1", "Laser 2", "Laser 2", "Laser 3", "Laser 3", "Laser 4", "Laser 4", "Laser 5", "Laser 5", "Laser 6", "Laser 6", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", _ "Laser (Vin)", "Laser (Monode)", "Sub", "Tip", "Tip", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Bearing)", "Press (Medallion)", "Press (Footboard)", "Press (AIDA)", "Press", "Press 1", "Press 1", "Press 2", "Press 2", "Press 3", "Press 3", "Press 4", "Press 4") If UBound(keywords) <> UBound(machineNames) Then MsgBox "Invalid arrays" Exit Sub Else Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns("J") For k = 0 To UBound(keywords) .Replace What:=keywords(k), Replacement:=machineNames(k), LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False Next End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True End If End Sub 



dwirony看到我忘了更新我的i = 0 to 48 – > i = 0 to 109 。 我添加了更多的项目数组,但忘了更新这一块!

更新:更好的是, i = 0 to UBound(Keywords)使i = 0 to UBound(Keywords)


 =IFERROR(INDEX({"SAM","Robot","Robot 1","Robot 2","Robot 3","Robot 4","Robot 5","Robot 6","FA","FA 1","FA 1","FA 2","FA 2","FA 3","FA 3","FA 4","FA 4","FA 5","FA 5","FA 6","FA 6","FA 7","FA 7","FA 8","FA 8","FA 9","FA 9","FA 10","FA 10","FA 11","FA 11","FA 12","FA 12","FA 4","FA 3","FA 10","FA","FA","Polish (Hammond)","Polish (Acme)","Polish","Tank","Fender","Welder","Balance","PICO","Gravity","Vin Stamp","Vin Stamp","Pinstamp","Pinstamp","Pinstamp","Buff","Wet","E-Coat","E-Coat","E-Coat","Carrier","Line","Line 1","Line 1","Line 2","Line 2","Line 3","Line 3","Line 4","Line 4","Line 5","Line 5","Line 6","Line 6","Laser","Laser","Laser","Laser","Laser 1","Laser 1","Laser 2","Laser 2","Laser 3","Laser 3","Laser 4","Laser 4","Laser 5","Laser 5","Laser 6","Laser 6","Laser (Seamer)","Laser (Seamer)","Laser (Seamer)","Laser (Vin)","Laser (Monode)","Sub","Tip","Tip","Press (Swingarm)","Press (Swingarm)","Press (Bearing)","Press (Medallion)","Press (Footboard)","Press (AIDA)","Press","Press 1","Press 1","Press 2","Press 2","Press 3","Press 3","Press 4","Press 4","Press"}, MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"SAM ","Robot","Robot 1","Robot 2","Robot 3","Robot 4","Robot 5","Robot 6","FA ","FA 1","FA1","FA 2","FA2","FA 3","FA3","FA 4","FA4","FA 5","FA5","FA 6","FA6","FA 7","FA7","FA 8","FA8","FA 9","FA9","FA 10","FA10","FA 11","FA11","FA 12","FA12","St 120","St 95","St 90C","Flex Arc","Flex Arch","Hammond","Acme","Polish","Tank","Fender","Welder","Balance","PICO","Gravity","Vin Mark","Vin Stamp","Telesis","Pinstamp","Pin stamp","Buff","Wet","E-Coat","E Coat","Ecoat","Carrier","Line","Line 1","Line1","Line 2","Line2","Line 3","Line3","Line 4","Line4","Line 5","Line5","Line 6","Line6","St 100","St 30","St 150","Laser","Laser 1","Laser1","Laser 2","Laser2","Laser 3","Laser3","Laser 4","Laser4","Laser 5","Laser5","Laser 6","Laser6","Laser Seamer","Laser Seam","Laser Seemer","Vin Laser","Monode","Sub","Tip","Tip Change","Swingarm Press","Swing arm Press","Bearing Press","Medallion Press","Footboard Press","AIDA","Cushion","Press 1","Press1","Press 2","Press2","Press 3","Press3","Press 4","Press4","Press "}, A1)),0)),"Other Machines")