Excel VBA组成自己的页脚

每次我在一些工作簿上的代码,我会在页面的页脚中获得双重path。 尤其是因为我在这里指定中心页脚应该是空的。 任何人都可以告诉我为什么这个代码生成页脚的内容或.leftfooter复制在.centerfooter

 Sub Print_Setup() Dim CurrentWB As Workbook Dim Page As Worksheet Set CurrentWB = ActiveWorkbook For Each Page In CurrentWB.Worksheets With Page.PageSetup .CenterHorizontally = False 'Make sure there is room to make notes on the sides of the page 'Page Margins .TopMargin = 0 .LeftMargin = 14.4 .RightMargin = 0 .BottomMargin = 18 'Footer .FooterMargin = 0 .RightFooter = "&8Printed &D: &P of &N" .CenterFooter = "" .LeftFooter = "&8&Z&F[&A]" End With Next Page End Sub 

我多次在我的系统(Windows 7,Excel 2003)上运行这个macros,并没有find相同的行为。

