EXCEL VBA – 在子程序中增加长值


我已经设置了一个选项显式与一个长的价值(我),这是作为当前行工作。 第一行是5,所以基本上我把'我'设置为5 lastRow,但是在第四个macros之后'i'从5转换为9。


开始我= 5

检查器我= 5

runall i = 5

macros1 i = 5macros2 i = 5macros3 i = 5macros4 i = 9macros5 i = 9 / runall检查器/结束


Option Explicit Dim i As Long Dim lastRow As Long Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) lastRow = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = 5 To lastRow If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B" & i)) Is Nothing Then Range("C" & i).ClearContents End If If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F" & i)) Is Nothing Then Call Checker End If Next i End Sub Sub Checker() If (Range("B" & i).Text = "Insert") Then RunAll End Sub Sub RunAll() Call Tiers_1_to_3 Call CI_Desc Call Tiers_Desc Call Site Call Support_Group_2 Call Product_Name End Sub Sub Tiers_1_to_3() Range("G" & i & ":I" & i).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{2,3,4},FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub CI_Desc() Range("M" & i).Value = "Source" End Sub Sub Tiers_Desc() Range("O" & i).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,5,FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub Site() Range("P" & i).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((LEFT(DeviceInfo!RC6,3)),Automated_Data!R2C11:R334C12,2,FALSE),""Please indicate Office or Site location"")" End Sub Sub Support_Group_2() Range("AT" & i & ":AV" & i).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{6,7},FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub Product_Name() Range("J" & i).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC16,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Product Name"")" Range("K" & i).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC17,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Model Name"")" End Sub 





我能够让它运行没有任何问题。 代码一行一行地工作,现在我增加了越来越多的值,因为现在更容易理解。

 Option Explicit Option Compare Text Const SpecialCharacters As String = "!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),{,[,],}" Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim i As Long Dim LastRow As Long LastRow = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = 5 To LastRow If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B" & i)) Is Nothing Then Range("C" & i).ClearContents End If If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D" & i)) Is Nothing Then Range("AT" & i & ":BV" & i).ClearContents End If If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F" & i)) Is Nothing Then If Range("F" & i).Value Like "*[!0-9,az,.]*" Then MsgBox "Please enter proper Device Name" Range("F" & i).Activate Else Range("G" & i & ":I" & i).ClearContents Range("AT" & i & ":BV" & i).ClearContents Call Checker(i) End If End If Next i End Sub Sub Checker(argi As Long) If (Range("B" & argi).Text = "Insert") Then Call Tiers_1_to_3(argi) Call CI_Desc(argi) Call Tiers_Desc(argi) Call Site(argi) Call Support_Group_2(argi) Call Support_Group_3(argi) Call Product_Name(argi) Call Model_Name(argi) Call Mgmt_Components(argi) Call ITSM_Group(argi) Call Only_Values(argi) Call MandatoryColors(argi) End If Range("F" & argi + 1).Select End Sub Sub Tiers_1_to_3(argi As Long) Range("G" & argi & ":I" & argi).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{2,3,4},FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub CI_Desc(argi As Long) Range("M" & argi).Value = "Source" End Sub Sub Tiers_Desc(argi As Long) Range("O" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,5,FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub Site(argi As Long) Range("P" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((LEFT(DeviceInfo!RC6,3)),Automated_Data!R2C11:R334C12,2,FALSE),""Please indicate Office or Site location"")" End Sub Sub Support_Group_2(argi As Long) If Range("D" & argi).Value = "Shared Fault Managed" Or Range("D" & argi).Value = "Fault Managed" Then Range("AT" & argi & ":AU" & argi).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{6,7},FALSE),"""")" End If End Sub Sub Support_Group_3(argi As Long) If Range("D" & argi).Value = "Shared Fault Managed" Then Range("AV" & argi).Value = "NOS-NOC-CCT-OPS-LEVEL3" End If End Sub Sub Product_Name(argi As Long) If Range("J" & argi).Value = "" Then Range("J" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC16,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Product Name"")" Else End If End Sub Sub Model_Name(argi As Long) If Range("K" & argi).Value = "" Then Range("K" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC17,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Model Name"")" Else End If End Sub Sub Mgmt_Components(argi As Long) If Range("D" & argi).Value = "Not Managed" Then Range("AY" & argi).Value = "No Agent" Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Not Monitored" Range("BA" & argi).Value = "None" Else If Range("F" & argi).Value Like "*up*" Or Range("F" & argi).Value Like "*wp*" Then Range("AY" & argi).Value = "ICMP Only" Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GTN" Range("BA" & argi).Value = "ICMP Only" Else If Range("J" & argi).Value Like "CISCO*" Then Range("AY" & argi).Value = "SNMP-CNC" Range("BE" & argi).Value = "161" Range("BF" & argi).Value = "SNMP-Zenoss" Range("BG" & argi).Value = "Linux and Network SNMP" Range("BL" & argi).Value = "161" If Range("F" & argi).Value Like "*gdn*" Then Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GDN" Range("BA" & argi).Value = "CNC-DCN Server" Range("BC" & argi).Value = "gdcn-ch33r5Guv" Range("BH" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GDN" Range("BJ" & argi).Value = "gdcn-ch33r5Guv" Else Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GTN" Range("BA" & argi).Value = "CNC-GTN Server" Range("BC" & argi).Value = "Z3n0ss4u" Range("BH" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GTN" Range("BJ" & argi).Value = "Z3n0ss4u" End If Else Range("AY" & argi).Value = "SNMP-Zenoss" Range("BA" & argi).Value = "Linux and Network SNMP" Range("BE" & argi).Value = "161" Range("BF" & argi).Value = "SNMP" Range("BG" & argi).Value = "Voyence" Range("BL" & argi).Value = "161" If Range("F" & argi).Value Like "*gdn*" Then Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GDN" Range("BC" & argi).Value = "gdcn-ch33r5Guv" Range("BH" & argi).Value = "CCO" Range("BJ" & argi).Value = "gdcn-ch33r5Guv" Else Range("AZ" & argi).Value = "Zenoss-GTN" Range("BC" & argi).Value = "Z3n0ss4u" Range("BH" & argi).Value = "GTN-DI" Range("BJ" & argi).Value = "Z3n0ss4u" End If End If End If End If End Sub Sub ITSM_Group(argi As Long) If Range("D" & argi).Value = "Fault Managed" Or Range("D" & argi).Value = "Shared Fault Managed" Then Range("BV" & argi).Value = "Desk" End If End Sub Sub Only_Values(argi As Long) Range("B" & argi & ":CE" & argi).Copy Range("B" & argi & ":CE" & argi).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Sub MandatoryColors(argi As Long) Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = Range("C" & argi & ",D" & argi & ",E" & argi & ",F" & argi & ",G" & argi & ",H" & argi & ",I" & argi & ",K" & argi & ",L" & argi & ",P" & argi & ",Q" & argi & ",R" & argi & ",S" & argi & ",T" & argi & ",U" & argi & ",V" & argi & ",W" & argi & ",X" & argi & ",Y" & argi & ",AY" & argi & ",AZ" & argi & ",BA" & argi & ",BC" & argi & ",BV5") If WorksheetFunction.CountA(myRange) = 0 Then myRange.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone myRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 MsgBox "Please complete highlighted Mandatory values" Else End If End Sub 

从它的外观来看,在某些时候,在调用macros的时候,我的价值正在发生变化。 基于此,我build议将i更改为过程级别variables而不是模块级别,然后将该值作为parameter passing给子过程。

  Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim i As Long Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = 5 To lastRow If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B" & i)) Is Nothing Then Range("C" & i).ClearContents End If If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F" & i)) Is Nothing Then Call Checker(i) End If Next i End Sub Sub Checker( argi as long) If (Range("B" & argi).Text = "Insert") Then RunAll(argi) End Sub Sub RunAll(argi as long) Call Tiers_1_to_3(argi) Call CI_Desc(argi) Call Tiers_Desc(argi) Call Site(argi) Call Support_Group_2(argi) Call Product_Name(argi) End Sub Sub Tiers_1_to_3(argi as long) Range("G" & argi & ":I" & argi).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{2,3,4},FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub CI_Desc(argi as long) Range("M" & argi).Value = "Source" End Sub Sub Tiers_Desc(argi as long) Range("O" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,5,FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub Site(argi as long) Range("P" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((LEFT(DeviceInfo!RC6,3)),Automated_Data!R2C11:R334C12,2,FALSE),""Please indicate Office or Site location"")" End Sub Sub Support_Group_2(argi as long) Range("AT" & argi & ":AV" & argi).FormulaArray = _ "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP((MID(DeviceInfo!RC6,4,2)),Automated_Data!R2C1:R46C7,{6,7},FALSE),"""")" End Sub Sub Product_Name(argi as long) Range("J" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC16,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Product Name"")" Range("K" & argi).Formula = _ "=IFERROR((INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(RC17,"" "",""_""))),""Please select Model Name"")" End Sub