检查Excel VBA中是否存在单元格范围内的图像



Sub findImage(Cell As Range) Dim Caddress As String Dim Pict As Excel.Picture Application.Volatile Sheets("Sheet1").Select Caddress = Cell.Address 'Assign the range For Each Pict In ActiveSheet.Pictures 'Check for each picture in the range If Pict.TopLeftCell.Address = Caddress Then 'if exists in the range shows a message MsgBox "The image exists!" Exit For 'break for Exit Sub 'break sub End If Next Pict MsgBox "NO", vbInformation 'if not exists shows a message End Sub 



我调整了一些代码(删除了.Select行)并添加了haveImage布尔值,使代码更加合乎逻辑。 我也改变了Cell ,因为我发现使用Cell可能会与Cells混淆。

 Sub findImage(Cel As Range) Dim Caddress As String Dim shp As Shape Dim haveImage As Boolean haveImage = False Application.Volatile ' Sheets("Sheet1").Activate Caddress = Cel.Address 'Assign the range For Each shp In Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes 'Check for each picture in the range If shp.Type = msoPicture Then If shp.TopLeftCell.Address = Caddress Then 'if exists in the range shows a message haveImage = True Exit Sub 'break sub End If End If Next shp If haveImage Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "NO", vbInformation 'if not exists shows a message End If End Sub 

要使用它,你可以这样调用它: Call findimage(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C12"))
