Excel vba暂时显示文本

所以我一直在寻找一种方法来暂时在excel中显示一个文本框。 基本上,我试图在用户点击button5秒后显示文本。 我不希望任何人“为我做代码”,而是给我指点。 用户点击一个button来切换语言。 当按下这个button时,我想要一个消息出现:“所有的值都被重置了”。 我的问题是:excel-vba中是否有一个函数在消失或将其可见性值变为false之前显示一段文本框?

所有的其他代码切换语言已经完成,我真的只是想findfunction,closures后的可见性。 (一个计时器或我不知道)




Private Sub Ok_Click() startTimer Unload Me End Sub 

 Sub startTimer() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "NextTime" End Sub 

 Sub NextTime() If Sheet3.Range("B5") = 0 Then reset If Sheet3.Range("B5") = 0 Then Exit Sub Sheet3.Range("B5").Value = Sheet3.Range("B5").Value - TimeValue("00:00:01") startTimer End Sub 

 Sub reset() Sheet3.Range("B5") = ("00:00:05") End Sub 


 Sub MAIN() Call BoxMaker DoEvents DoEvents newHour = Hour(Now()) newMinute = Minute(Now()) newSecond = Second(Now()) + 5 waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond) Application.Wait waitTime ActiveSheet.Shapes("SPLASH").Delete End Sub Sub BoxMaker() ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 217.5, 51#, _ 482.25, 278.25).Select Selection.Name = "SPLASH" Selection.Characters.Text = "Please Wait for Macro" With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=21).Font .Name = "Arial" .FontStyle = "Regular" .Size = 36 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Selection.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter End Sub