如何在Excel UDF中使用枚举标识符



Prijstabel fixed variable Startdate Einddate gas electra gas electra €/a €/a ct/KWh ct/KWh 1-1-2010 1-7-2010 181,00 235,00 0,11 0,33 1-7-2010 1-1-2011 362,00 470,00 0,33 1,30 1-1-2011 1-7-2011 191,00 245,00 0,22 0,65 1-7-2011 1-1-2012 162,35 208,25 0,19 0,55 1-1-2012 1-7-2012 324,70 416,50 0,37 1,11 


 Public Enum Energietype v_gas = 1 v_electricity = 2 End Enum Public Enum FixedOrVariable v_fixed = 1 v_variable = 2 End Enum Public Function EnergyPrice(PriceDate As Date, E_type As Energietype, variabel As FixedOrVariable) As Variant Dim PrijsTable As Range Dim RowNr As Integer Dim Found As Boolean Dim KolomNr As Integer Set PrijsTable = Range("EnergyPriceTable") If PrijsTable.Columns.Count <> 6 Then Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1000, Description:="No valid valid pricetable defined" RowNr = 1 Found = False While Not (Found) And (RowNr <= PriceTable.Rows.Count) Found = (PriceTable.Cells(RowNr, 1).Value <= PriceDate) And (PriceTable.Cells(RowNr, 2) > PriceDate) If Not (Found) Then RowNr = RowNr + 1 Wend If Found Then If E_type = v_gas Then KolomNr = 1 If E_type = v_elektra Then KolomNr = 2 If variabel = v_variabel Then KolomNr = KolomNr * 2 KolomNr = KolomNr + 2 EnergyPrice = PriceTable.Cells(RowNr, KolomNr).Value Else EnergyPrice = Empty End If End Function 

问题是如何在Excel电子表格中使用上面的枚举? 所以我可以input一个公式:


这只能使用Excel VBA来完成吗?

如果将枚举添加到工作簿中作为定义的名称,则可以将它们传递给函数,并且传递的值是您设置枚举的实际值。 如果您愿意,可以手动或通过VBA进行操作。


 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="v_gas", RefersToR1C1:="=1" ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="v_fixed", RefersToR1C1:="=2" 


  • 从菜单中: Insert ... Name .... Define
  • 名称: v_gas
  • 指: =1

