获得“最小修剪”,类似于Excel TRIMMEANfunction



  • 数据
  • 百分比,指出原始数据样本中应该排除多less个数据点


  1. 当我使用函数并select一个整列(例如= TrimMIN(A:A))时,需要很长时间
  2. 我需要sortinginput范围'数据'之前修剪,但行'data.Cells.Sort'不起作用



Function TrimMIN(data As Range, percentage As Double) As Double Dim dataNew As Range Dim dataNewS As Variant Dim diff, counter, upper, lower, countDataNew As Double counter = 0 'data.Cells.Sort diff = Round(data.Count * percentage / 2, [0]) Debug.Print "diff= " & diff upper = data.Count - diff lower = diff countDataNew = data.Count - diff - diff 'Application.Min(data) 'Debug.Print "upper= " & upper 'Debug.Print "lower= " & lower 'Debug.Print "data.count= " & data.count 'Debug.Print "countDataNew= " & countDataNew Dim cel As Range For Each cel In data.Cells counter = counter + 1 'Debug.Print "counter= " & counter Debug.Print "celValue= " & cel.Value If counter > lower And counter <= upper Then 'Debug.Print "counter in range, counter is " & counter If Not dataNew Is Nothing Then ' Add the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc cell to our new range, rng2 ' this is the most common outcome so place it first in the IF test (faster coding) Set dataNew = Union(dataNew, cel) Else ' the first valid cell becomes rng2 Set dataNew = cel End If End If Next cel 'Debug.Print "dataNew.count " & dataNew.count TrimMIN = Application.Min(dataNew) End Function 



 Public Function TrimMin(data As Range, percentage As Double) As Double Dim usedData As Variant 'avoid calculating entire columns or rows usedData = Intersect(data, data.Parent.UsedRange).Value Dim x As Long, y As Long x = UBound(usedData) - LBound(usedData) + 1 y = UBound(usedData, 2) - LBound(usedData, 2) + 1 Dim arr() As Variant ReDim arr(1 To x * y) Dim i As Long, j As Long, counter As Long counter = 1 For i = 1 To x For j = 1 To y If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(usedData(i, j)) Then arr(counter) = usedData(i, j) counter = counter + 1 End If Next j Next i ReDim Preserve arr(1 To counter - 1) Dim diff As Long diff = Round((counter - 1) * percentage / 2, 0) + 1 'use the worksheet function to obtain the appropriate small value TrimMin = Application.WorksheetFunction.Small(usedData, diff) End Function