


Function GetParen(strIn As String) As String Dim objRegex As Object Dim objRegMC As Object Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With objRegex .Pattern = "\((.+?)\)" If .Test(strIn) Then Set objRegMC = .Execute(strIn) GetParen = objRegMC(0).submatches(0) Else GetParen = "No match" End If End With Set objRegex = Nothing End Function 

有人可以帮我修改代码吗? 因为如果单元格包含“文本(文本part1)(文本part2)”我得到的结果是“文本part1”,但我需要“文本part2”。 谢谢。

为什么要打扰正则expression式 ? 考虑另一种方法:

 Public Function GetParen(strIn As String) As String Dim gather As Boolean, L As Long, i As Long Dim CH As String gather = False L = Len(strIn) For i = L To 1 Step -1 CH = Mid(strIn, i, 1) If gather Then GetParen = CH & GetParen If CH = ")" Then gather = True If CH = "(" Then Exit For Next i GetParen = Mid(GetParen, 2) End Function 




 Public Function GetParen2(strIn As String) As String ary = Split(strIn, "(") bry = Split(ary(UBound(ary)), ")") GetParen2 = bry(0) End Function 


我有一个function,我只是这样写的。 这里是:

 Function SubStr(s1 As String, sLeft As String, sL_Occ As Integer, sRight As String, sR_Occ As Integer) As String 'Cuts a piece of text from between two strings within another string Dim LeftBound As Integer, RightBound As Integer, i As Integer If sLeft = "Minimum" Then LeftBound = 0 Else For i = 1 To sL_Occ LeftBound = InStr(LeftBound + 1, s1, sLeft, vbTextCompare) Next i End If LeftBound = LeftBound + Len(sLeft) - 1 'measure from the right of the left bound If sRight = "Maximum" Then RightBound = Len(s1) + 1 Else For i = 1 To sR_Occ RightBound = InStr(RightBound + 1, s1, sRight, vbTextCompare) Next i End If SubStr = Mid(s1, LeftBound + 1, RightBound - LeftBound - 1) 



  1. s1:包含要分析的文本的string
  2. sLeft:要分析的文本的左边界。 使用“(”为您的应用程序。
  3. sL_Occ:sLeft的迭代次数。 所以如果你想要第二个“(”出现在S1中,使这2。
  4. sRight:和sLeft一样,但是是右边的。
  5. sR_Occ:与sL_Occ相同,但是指的是右边的。

为了简单起见,请使用此function代码而非您的function代码。 如果要从第二组圆括号中提取文本,请使用

s1 =“(P1)(P2)(P3)(P4)”

sLeft =“(”

sL_Occ = 2

sRight =“)”

sR_Occ = 2


希望有所帮助! 马特,通过ExcelArchitect.com


 Function LastParam(ByVal str As String) As String Dim arr() As String arr = Split(str, "(") LastParam = Split(arr(UBound(arr, 1)), ")")(0) End Function 


将Global标志设置为True ,并返回匹配集合中的最后一个匹配项。

 Function GetParen(strIn As String) As String Dim objRegex As Object Dim objRegMC As Object Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With objRegex .Global = True .Pattern = "\((.+?)\)" If .Test(strIn) Then Set objRegMC = .Execute(strIn) GetParen = objRegMC(objRegMC.Count - 1).submatches(0) Else GetParen = "No match" End If End With Set objRegex = Nothing End Function 



 Sub Test() MsgBox GetParen("(Sample (sample1) (sample2)") End Sub 

 Function GetParen(strIn As String) As String Dim objRegex As Object Dim objRegMC As Object Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With objRegex .Pattern = "\((.+?)\)" .Global = True If .Test(strIn) Then Set objRegMC = .Execute(strIn) GetParen = objRegMC(objRegMC.Count - 1).submatches(0) Else GetParen = "No match" End If End With Set objRegex = Nothing End Function