
我试图通过连接操作数和运算符来评估逻辑expression式。 在Excel 2016中是否有一个从文本转换为逻辑的公式,类似于VALUE()如何将文本转换为数字? 我正在寻找这样的解决scheme,所以我可以dynamic改变条件,而无需改变实际的Excel公式。 我已经search并阅读了Excel函数的描述,但是没有任何东西可以作为解决scheme跳出来。

 'The operands and operator A1: 1 A2: > A3: 0 'Concatenation B4: =CONCAT(A1:A3) 'This evaluates to 1>0 B5: =A1&A2&A3 'This also evaluates to 1>0 'Some checks C4: =ISTEXT(B4) 'This evaluates to TRUE. C5: =ISTEXT(B5) 'This also evaluates to TRUE D4: =ISLOGICAL(B4) 'This evaluates to FALSE D5: =ISLOGICAL(B5) 'This also evaluates to FALSE 'Vain attempts E4: =AND(B4,TRUE) 'This ALWAYS is TRUE, even when my desired output is FALSE E5: =OR(B5) 'This spits out a #VALUE! error 

=IF(A2=">",A1>A3,FALSE) 。 我也宁愿避免一个UDF,但是如果没有内置函数存在来转换文本中的逻辑expression式并将其评估为逻辑expression式,则愿意走这条path。

要编写一个调用Evaluate的UDF,可以处理Range或Variant / Stringinput,请尝试以下操作:

 Function L(exp As Variant) As Variant Dim vExp As Variant vExp = exp L = Application.Evaluate(vExp) End Function 


该行vExp = exp做魔术。 如果exp是一个Range,那么Assigment将使用默认的.Value属性,并将其复制为Variant / String(因为我们不使用Set )。 如果它是一个Variant / String,那么它是一个直接的副本。

它确实有使用Application.Evaluate (下面解释这里的缺点)


 Function L(exp As Variant) As Variant If TypeName(exp) = "Range" Then L = exp.Worksheet.Evaluate(exp.Value) Else If IsError(Application.Caller) Then 'Calls from VBA are hanbled here. ' Note: Best to fully qualify any range references in exp ' to avoid unexpected references to the active sheet L = ActiveSheet.Evaluate(exp) Else L = Application.Caller.Worksheet.Evaluate(exp) End If End If End Function 


 Function L(exp As Variant) As Variant Dim limit As Integer Dim counter As Integer 'Set an upper limit to how many cycles the loop may run limit = 1000 'Assuming the possibility of nested functions, loop until the expression resolves to logical or to an error or until the loop limit has been reached Do exp = [exp] 'This avoids Error 2015 if exp is a Range reference. Comment if there's a better way! exp = Application.Evaluate(exp) 'Evaluate the expression counter = counter + 1 'Increment the loop counter Loop Until Application.IsLogical(exp) Or Application.IsError(exp) Or counter >= limit 'Return the evaluated expression L = exp End Function 

这个函数即使当我用像=L(TRUE)=L(CONCAT(A1:A2)&A3)或者甚至=l(CONCAT(A1:A2)&"""foo""")方式抛出一些愚蠢的东西, 。 但它不会抛出错误,例如=l(123)=l("123") 。 在这些情况下,谢天谢地,因为123"123"永远不会评估为逻辑或错误。