
我使用Matlab从Excel文件读取。 我应该在阅读一个名为Change Due的整数列。 读完专栏之后,我应该计算这个变化,在Quarters,Dimes ..等等

我可以阅读专栏没有问题,我理解如何计算变化的math。 然而使用条件来检查更改的数量是困难的… … –






 Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. 



 % Filename: Program_04_1 % Author: Stewart Moon % Assisted by: No one % Program Description: % The purpose of this program is to demonstrate how to read from an Excel % file and to then calculate the amount of coins it will take per row clc % clc clears the contents of the command window clear % clear, clears all defined variables form the Matlab workspace close all % closes all figure windows % Declare Variables Quarters=0; Dimes=0; Nickels=0; Pennies=0; TotalCoins=0; % Output of the title and author to the command window fprintf('Output for Program_04_1 written by Stewart Moon.\n') fprintf('\nOriginal Data read from Program_04_1_Data.xlsx\n') fprintf('\nMinimum Number of Coins Needed to Make Change\n') Change=xlsread('Tutorial_04_1_Data.xlsx','Coins','B4:B43'); % Reading the column in Excel and storing it the variable Change % Output Header Format fprintf('\nChangeDue(cents) Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies Total Coins\n\n') table=[Change]; disp([table]) 


 Output for Program_04_1 written by Stewart Moon. Original Data read from Program_04_1_Data.xlsx Minimum Number of Coins Needed to Make Change ChangeDue(cents) Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies Total Coins 1 4 5 6 10 14 15 16 20 24 25 29 30 31 35 37 40 42 45 49 50 54 55 56 60 64 65 68 70 73 75 77 80 81 85 88 90 91 95 99 


 while(Change>0) if (Change>=25) Change=Change-25; TotalCoins=TotalCoins+1; Quarters=Quarters+1; end if (Change<25&&Change>=10) Change=Change-10; TotalCoins=TotalCoins+1; Dimes=Dimes+1; end if (Change<10&&Change>=5) Change=Change-5; TotalCoins=TotalCoins+1; Nickels=Nickels+1; end if (Change<5&&Change>=1) Change=Change-1; TotalCoins=TotalCoins+1; Pennies=Pennies+1; end end 


 for i = 1 : length(Change) % your conditions using indices for the array % example: % if(Change(i) > 25) % instructions % end end