
嗨,我正在使用EPPlus创build一些数据转储xslx文件。 它在本地机器上以及在less量数据的Web服务器上完美工作。

但我有一个情况,我有数据集中的40,000行。 它在本地机器上再次正常工作。

但在服务器上它正在创build文件,当我试图打开该文件,它显示错误,该文件已损坏。 我试图用记事本编辑文件,并注意到它有HTML内容


public static void CreateExcel(string file_Name, DataSet ds) { // rowsPerSheet = 50000; string msg = ""; string Type = ""; using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage()) { //Create the worksheet ExcelWorksheet ws = default(ExcelWorksheet); int clCnt = 1; foreach (DataTable tbl in ds.Tables) { ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(tbl.TableName); //Load the datatable into the sheet, starting from cell A1. Print the column names on row 1 ws.Cells("A1").LoadFromDataTable(tbl, true); if (tbl.Rows.Count != 0) { clCnt = 1; foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { ws.Column(clCnt).AutoFit(); // format all dates in german format (adjust accordingly) if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(System.DateTime))) { dynamic colNumber = col.Ordinal + 1; ExcelRange range = ws.Cells(2, colNumber, tbl.Rows.Count + 1, colNumber); range.Style.Numberformat.Format = "MM/dd/yyyy"; } if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(System.Decimal)) || col.DataType.Equals(typeof(System.Double))) { dynamic colNumber = col.Ordinal + 1; ExcelRange range = ws.Cells(2, colNumber, tbl.Rows.Count + 1, colNumber); range.Style.Numberformat.Format = "0.00"; } clCnt += 1; } } } file_Name = file_Name.Replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsx"; HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file_Name + ""); HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(pck.GetAsByteArray()); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } } 


 private void GenerateReport() { string msg = ""; string output = "where"; int count = 0; string jsscript = ""; string _FID = ""; if ((ddlPortfolio.SelectedValue <= 0 & grvforecast.Rows.Count <= 0)) { jsscript = "<script>alert('Please select potfolio')</script>"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType, "jsclose", jsscript); } else if ((grvforecast.Rows.Count <= 0)) { jsscript = "<script>alert('Please add some entry in grid')</script>"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType, "jsclose", jsscript); } else { if (btnValue.Value == "Cash/GAAP Report") { _SqlStr = "[USP_CashGaapReport] '"; foreach (GridViewRow row in grvforecast.Rows) { if ((count < grvforecast.Rows.Count - 1)) { _SqlStr += "" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + ","; } else { _SqlStr += "" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + ""; } count = count + 1; } _SqlStr += "'"; } else { if ((btnValue.Value == "Forecast Attribute Report")) { _SqlStr = "SELECT f.AttributeSetID as AttributeSetID , Attribute_Set.TabName as AttributeSetName FROM Forecast_Account as f INNER JOIN Attribute_Set ON f.AttributeSetID = Attribute_Set.AttributeSetID where "; } else if ((btnValue.Value == "Forecast Data Report")) { _SqlStr = "SELECT p.LegalEntityName AS Portfolio, f.Name, c.AccountName, a.RepeatNumber, d.CashGAAP, d.TheDate, SUM(d.Amount) AS Amount, d.LastUpdated, d.UpdatedBy "; _SqlStr += "FROM dbo.Portfolio AS p INNER JOIN dbo.Forecast AS f ON p.PortfolioID = f.PortfolioID INNER JOIN dbo.Forecast_Account AS a ON f.ForecastID = a.ForecastID "; _SqlStr += "INNER JOIN dbo.Forecast_Data AS d ON a.ForecastAccountID = d.ForecastAccountID INNER JOIN dbo.CoA AS c ON c.AccountNumber = a.AccountNumber where "; } else { // _SqlStr = "SELECT Portfolio, Name, AccountName, CashGAAP, OriginalDate, sum(Amount) as Amount, AccountNumber, AttributeSetName, TheDate, Year" // _SqlStr &= " FROM (SELECT Portfolio.LegalEntityName AS Portfolio, f.Name, CoA.AccountName, Forecast_Data.CashGAAP, CONVERT(date, Forecast_Data.TheDate) AS OriginalDate," // _SqlStr &= " SUM(Forecast_Data.Amount) AS Amount, CoA.AccountNumber, Attribute_Set.AttributeSetName, '' + CONVERT(varchar, YEAR(Forecast_Data.TheDate))" // _SqlStr &= " + '-' + CONVERT(varchar, MONTH(Forecast_Data.TheDate)) + '-01' AS TheDate, YEAR(Forecast_Data.TheDate) AS Year, Forecast_Attribute.Value" // _SqlStr &= " FROM Portfolio INNER JOIN Forecast AS f ON Portfolio.PortfolioID = f.PortfolioID INNER JOIN Forecast_Account ON f.ForecastID = Forecast_Account.ForecastID INNER JOIN Forecast_Data ON" // _SqlStr &= " Forecast_Account.ForecastAccountID = Forecast_Data.ForecastAccountID INNER JOIN CoA ON CoA.AccountNumber = Forecast_Account.AccountNumber" // _SqlStr &= " INNER JOIN Attribute_Set ON CoA.AttributeSetID = Attribute_Set.AttributeSetID INNER JOIN Forecast_Attribute ON Forecast_Account.ForecastAccountID = Forecast_Attribute.ForecastAccountID WHERE" _SqlStr = "SELECT Portfolio, Name, AccountName, CashGAAP, OriginalDate, sum(Amount) as Amount, d.AccountNumber as AccountNumber, AttributeSetName, TheDate, Year"; _SqlStr += " FROM (SELECT Portfolio.LegalEntityName AS Portfolio, f.Name, CoA.AccountName, Forecast_Data.CashGAAP, CONVERT(date, Forecast_Data.TheDate) AS OriginalDate,"; _SqlStr += " SUM(Forecast_Data.Amount) AS Amount, CoA.AccountNumber, Attribute_Set.AttributeSetName, '' + CONVERT(varchar, YEAR(Forecast_Data.TheDate))"; _SqlStr += " + '-' + CONVERT(varchar, MONTH(Forecast_Data.TheDate)) + '-01' AS TheDate, YEAR(Forecast_Data.TheDate) AS Year, Forecast_Attribute.Value"; _SqlStr += " FROM Portfolio INNER JOIN Forecast AS f ON Portfolio.PortfolioID = f.PortfolioID INNER JOIN Forecast_Account ON f.ForecastID = Forecast_Account.ForecastID INNER JOIN Forecast_Data ON"; _SqlStr += " Forecast_Account.ForecastAccountID = Forecast_Data.ForecastAccountID INNER JOIN CoA ON CoA.AccountNumber = Forecast_Account.AccountNumber"; _SqlStr += " INNER JOIN Attribute_Set ON CoA.AttributeSetID = Attribute_Set.AttributeSetID INNER JOIN Forecast_Attribute ON Forecast_Account.ForecastAccountID = Forecast_Attribute.ForecastAccountID WHERE"; } foreach (GridViewRow row in grvforecast.Rows) { if ((count < grvforecast.Rows.Count - 1)) { _SqlStr += " f.ForecastID=" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + " or"; _FID += " a.ForecastID=" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + " or"; } else { _SqlStr += " f.ForecastID=" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + " "; _FID += " a.ForecastID=" + grvforecast.Rows(count).Cells(1).Text + " "; } count = count + 1; } if ((btnValue.Value == "Forecast Data Report")) { _SqlStr += "GROUP BY p.LegalEntityName, f.Name, c.AccountName, a.RepeatNumber, d.CashGAAP, d.TheDate, d.LastUpdated, d.UpdatedBy"; } else if ((btnValue.Value == "Cash/GAAP Report")) { _SqlStr += " GROUP BY Portfolio.LegalEntityName, f.Name, CoA.AccountName, Forecast_Data.CashGAAP, Forecast_Data.TheDate, CoA.AccountNumber, Attribute_Set.AttributeSetName, Forecast_Attribute.Value) AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN Vendor ON d.Value = Vendor.VendorName"; _SqlStr += " GROUP BY d.OriginalDate, d.TheDate, d.AccountNumber, d.Portfolio, d.Name, d.AccountName, d.CashGAAP, d.AttributeSetName, d.Year, Vendor.VendorName"; // _SqlStr &= " GROUP BY Portfolio.LegalEntityName, f.Name, CoA.AccountName, Forecast_Data.CashGAAP, Forecast_Data.TheDate, CoA.AccountNumber, Attribute_Set.AttributeSetName, Forecast_Attribute.Value) AS d" // _SqlStr &= " Group BY OriginalDate,TheDate,AccountNumber,Portfolio,Name,AccountName,CashGAAP,AttributeSetName,Year" } } try { if ((btnValue.Value != "Forecast Attribute Report")) { _ds = new DataSet(); _dtTable = myDB.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.Text, _SqlStr, null); _dtTable.TableName = btnValue.Value.Replace("_", " "); _ds.Tables.Add(_dtTable); } else { _ds = new DataSet(); _SqlStr += "Group by f.AttributeSetID,Attribute_Set.TabName "; _dtTable = myDB.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.Text, _SqlStr, null); foreach (DataRow _dr in _dtTable.Rows) { _SqlStr = "[USP_Forecast_Attributes] " + _dr["AttributeSetID"].ToString() + ",'" + _FID + "'"; _dtTable = myDB.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.Text, _SqlStr, null); _dtTable.TableName = _dr["AttributeSetName"].ToString(); _ds.Tables.Add(_dtTable); } } if ((_ds != null)) { if (DateAndTime.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime()) { strTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-5).ToString("_MM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_tt"); } else { strTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-4).ToString("_MM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_tt"); } if (btnValue.Value != "Forecast Attribute Report") { epXL.CreateExcel(btnValue.Value, _ds); //epXL.ExportToExcel(_dtTable, btnValue.Value) } else { epXL.CreateExcel(btnValue.Value, _ds); // & strTime, _ds) } } } catch (Exception ex) { jsscript = "<script>alert('Report not generated')</script>"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType, "jsclose", jsscript); } } } 


 System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException: Unable to create mutex. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131464) at System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.Open(String infoFile, String syncName) at System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.Lock(Boolean& locked) at System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, IsolatedStorageFile isf) at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.PackagingUtilities.SafeIsolatedStorageFileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, ReliableIsolatedStorageFileFolder folder) at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.PackagingUtilities.CreateUserScopedIsolatedStorageFileStreamWithRandomName(Int32 retryCount, String& fileName) at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.SparseMemoryStream.SwitchModeIfNecessary() at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.SparseMemoryStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.CompressEmulationStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.CompressStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ProgressiveCrcCalculatingStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOModeEnforcingStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder) at System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(String value) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(String format, Object arg0) at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.UpdateRowCellData(StreamWriter sw) at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.SaveXml() at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.Save() at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorkbook.Save() at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage.GetAsByteArray(Boolean save) at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage.GetAsByteArray() 

我无法解决它。 请build议。 谢谢

我认为你的网页有一个devise问题。 至less,快速解决方法是在将文档写入Response之前添加此项。


当你在输出中有响应的时候,这意味着它会尝试渲染一个页面,而在这个页面中,你会尝试做其他的事情,在这种情况下写入文件。 (请参阅我如何从ASP.NET的Web请求中返回PDF?例如)。


 public class DownloadFileHandler : IHttpHandler { public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Response.BinaryWrite(...); } } 

现在我得到了你的问题。 我认为这是由于在服务器上写入权限问题。 一般ASP.net用户不具有应用程序文件夹外的写权限。 这里有两个链接可能会帮助你。

  1. 无法创build互斥。 (来自HRESULT的exception:0x80131464)
  2. IsolatedStorageException:无法创build商店目录
