

Dim i As Integer, a As Integer, rowsInThere As Integer, rowsInI As Integer Dim ws As Worksheet, b As Integer Dim x As Integer, z As Integer Dim total As Integer Dim value As String rowsInProjects = Sheets("Projects").UsedRange.Rows.Count z = 3 Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("b5:b50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("c5:c50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("d5:d50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("e5:e50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("F5:F50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("G5:G50").ClearContents Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Range("H5:H50").ClearContents For a = 1 To rowsInProjects value = Worksheets("Projects").Cells(a, 1).value Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Cells(a + 4, 2).value = value For i = 5 To Worksheets.Count rowsInI = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count For x = 1 To rowsInI If Worksheets(i).Cells(x + 8, 3).value = value Then total = total + Worksheets(i).Cells(x + 8, 6).value End If Worksheets("Summary_Sheet (2)").Cells(i, z).value = total Next x z = z + 1 Next i z = 3 Next a 

总数=总数+ …线出现错误。 我的代码正在做的是从工作表复制一个项目列表到一个新的。

然后必须通过其他工作表来search每个添加的项目名称。 每个其他工作表将有2-3个logging与项目名称。 我想从每个工作表中获取项目的总成本,然后将其插回到原始文件中。


  1. 迭代List

  2. 遍历每个工作表

  3. 合计项目的价值

  4. 将值插回到项目列表中

J O'Brien,Choate和Townsend是3个工作表





你也问是否这个(你的方法)是正确的方法,你的工作是这样的。 但是,它可能会被优化。


其中,取决于每张纸的行数,是less数! (至less项目*行* 3)


希望下面的代码是有道理的,如果你决定放弃它,请确保你运行它的数据副本! 这是一个例子,它只是将结果转储到debugging窗口。


 Sub Main() Dim Projects As Object 'Dim Projects As Scripting.Dictionary Set Projects = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Set Projects = New Scripting.Dictionary Dim Project As String Dim Sheets() As String Dim Name As String Dim Sheet As Worksheet Dim SheetIndex As Integer Dim ProjectColumn As Variant Dim TotalColumn As Variant Dim Index As Integer Dim Max As Long Dim MaxRow As Long ' You'll need to put your sheet names below ' not very nice, just a way to predefine an array containing sheet names Sheets = Split("Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3", ",") ' loop over all the sheets For SheetIndex = 0 To UBound(Sheets) ' get a reference to the sheet were looking at Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheets(SheetIndex)) ' calculate the last row in the workbook (as using UsedRange isnt always right) MaxRow = Sheet.Cells(Sheet.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row ' get the data were looking for ' the 9 in the next 2 lines might be wrong, it should be the row# for the first data row Set ProjectColumn = Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(9, 3), Sheet.Cells(MaxRow, 3)) ' the 9 here might be wrong! Set TotalColumn = Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(9, 6), Sheet.Cells(MaxRow, 6)) ' again, 9 Max = MaxRow - 8 ' adjust the max row to account for the +8 header cells above the data For Index = 1 To Max ' loop over all the projects in the current sheet Project = ProjectColumn(Index, 1) ' this allows for multiple instances of the same project per sheet (no idea if this occurs in your data) If Projects.Exists(Project) Then If Projects(Project).Exists(Sheets(SheetIndex)) Then ' update the total Projects(Project)(Sheets(SheetIndex)) = Projects(Project)(Sheets(SheetIndex)) + TotalColumn(Index, 1) Else ' inclue the total for the sheet Projects(Project).Add Sheets(SheetIndex), CLng(TotalColumn(Index, 1)) End If Else ' new project, add it and the total value for the current sheet 'Projects.Add Project, New Scripting.Dictionary Projects.Add Project, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Projects(Project).Add Sheets(SheetIndex), CLng(TotalColumn(Index, 1)) End If Next Index Set ProjectColumn = Nothing Set TotalColumn = Nothing Next SheetIndex ' Projects now contains a list of all projects, and the totals for your sheets. ' Projects ' - Project Name ' - - Sheet Name - Sheet Total ' dump the data to the immediate window in the vba editor For Each Key In Projects.Keys For Each SubKey In Projects(Key).Keys Debug.Print Key & ", " & SubKey & " = " & Projects(Key)(SubKey) Next SubKey Next Key End Sub 


你可能会溢出一个Integer的最大值,也就是32767.尝试使用long范围循环计数器来代替。 这将适用于a,x,z和rowsInI

我通常的做法是将所有可用的数据保存在一个工作表中,以便我可以使用数据透视表来分析它。 如果我然后需要创build一个非数据透视表工作表,然后我使用VBA复制和粘贴特殊数据透视表作为一个常规的范围。


我使用这种方法很多 – 我所有的数据都是标准化的,我可以根据需要过滤数据透视表 – 按date,项目,经理/销售人员/创build者(Choate,Townsend和O'Brien),货币或其他。

恐怕这不是严格的回答你的问题,更多的是build议采用不同的方法。 当然,我不知道你如何得到这些数据的情况,所以对你来说可能是不可行的。