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用VBA创build数据透视表。 要值区域单元(数据和标签)是; Horizo​​ntalAlignment = xlCenter。 目前的方法;

'... typical VBA code to create Pivot table; 'ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create ... 'Dim MyPT As PivotTable '... 'number format all value cells (done without selecting) MyPT.PivotFields("Sum of Bikes").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" 'center align all value cells, data & lables (must select cells to do this) Dim pvtField As PivotField For Each pvtField In MyPT.PivotFields If pvtField = "Bikes" Then MyPT.PivotSelect "", xlDataAndLabel, True 'The PivotSelect method does not return an object. It selects a range. Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End If Next pvtField 
