

AB 96.66666667 0 193.3333333 0 290 0 386.6666667 0 483.3333333 1 725 22 966.6666667 19 1208.333333 10 

我想要的代码是看B列,如果它的值是0,不要说在C1列什么。 如果列B> 0,则在A中取对应的值,并列出A值,B次数。 因此,我在C中的最终目标列如下所示:

 483.3333333333333 725 725 725 725 etc til 725 happens 22 times then 966 966 etc until 966 happens 19 times etc. 



 Sub test() Dim values As Variant, counter As Variant values = [A1:A100].Value 'change the ranges to fit your needs counter = [B1:B100].Value Dim output() As Variant ReDim output(0 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(counter) - 1, 0) Dim i As Long, j As Long While i <= UBound(output) j = j + 1 For i = i To counter(j, 1) + i - 1 output(i, 0) = values(j, 1) Next Wend [C1].Resize(UBound(output) + 1).Value = output 'change C1 to the cell to start your output End Sub 

它生成一个数组( output ),它将简单地粘贴从C1开始(可以改变)


 Sub trasposeNumbers() Dim i For Each i In Range("B1:B100") If i.Value = 0 Then 'do nothing Else Range(Cells(i.Row, 1), Cells(i.Row, i.Value)).Value = i.Offset(0, -1).Value End If Next i End Sub 
