
我是VBA的一名新手,如果有人愿意,我会很感激自动化一个过程的一些帮助。 🙂



Private Sub PrintHDR_Click() Dim objWord As Object Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") objWord.Visible = True objWord.Documents.Open "C:\Users\Duncan\Desktop\HDR.dotx" End Sub 



一些单元格包含文本,其他单元格包含产生数字答案的公式/和。 在包含公式或总和的单元格中,这是我要复制到Word的答案。


提前致谢 :)


我有这样的代码。 在Word中,而不是使用书签的字段来replace,我只是使用一个特殊的标记(如<<NAME>> )。

你可能不得不适应。 我使用ListObject(新的Excel“表”),如果使用简单的Range,则可以更改该对象。

创build一个“Template.docx”文档,使其成为只读文件,并在那里放置可replace的字段( <<NAME>>等)。 一个简单的docx会做,它不一定是一个真正的模板(dotx)。

 Public Sub WriteToTemplate() Const colNum = 1 Const colName = 2 Const colField2 = 3 Const cBasePath = "c:\SomeDir" Dim wordDoc As Object, sFile As String, Name As String Dim lo As ListObject, theRow As ListRow Dim item As tItem Set lo = ActiveCell.ListObject Set theRow = ActiveCell.ListObject.ListRows(ActiveCell.Row - lo.Range.Row) With theRow.Range 'I use one of the columns for the filename: Debug.Print "writing " & theRow.Range.Cells(1, colName).text 'A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | Name = Replace(.Cells(1, colName), "?", "") Name = Replace(Name, "*", "") Name = Replace(Name, "/", "-") Name = Replace(Name, ":", ";") Name = Replace(Name, """", "'") sFile = (cBasePath & "\" & Name) & ".docx" Debug.Print sFile Set wordApp = CreateObject("word.Application") If Dir(sFile) <> "" Then 'file already exists Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(sFile) wordApp.Visible = True wordApp.Activate Else 'new file Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(cBasePath & "\" & "Template.docx") wordApp.Selection.Find.Execute Forward:=(wordApp.Selection.Start = 0), FindText:="««NUM»»", ReplaceWith:=.Cells(1, colNum) wordApp.Selection.Collapse direction:=1 'wdCollapseEnd wordApp.Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="««NAME»»", ReplaceWith:=.Cells(1, colName) wordApp.Selection.Collapse direction:=1 'wdCollapseEnd wordApp.Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="««FIELD2»»", ReplaceWith:=.Cells(1, colField2) wordDoc.ListParagraphs.item(1).Range.Select wordApp.Selection.Collapse direction:=1 'wdCollapseEnd wordApp.Visible = True wordApp.Activate On Error Resume Next 'if this fails (missing directory, for example), file will be unsaved, and Word will ask for name. wordDoc.SaveAs sFile 'Filename:=(cBasePath & "\" & .Cells(1, colName)) On Error GoTo 0 End If End With End Sub 
