

我想build立并销售一个复杂的macros驱动驱动的电子表格到一定的垂直。 我主要关心在这个垂直客户之间自由/未经授权的分配。



  • 使用密钥生成器来创build许可证代码
  • 使用在线激活function
  • 或者只需使用encryption的密码



我也在想,实现这一点所涉及的复杂性可能会促使我改为build立一个小型的SaaS应用程序。 我最好走那条路?

在一个不太可能在密钥生成器中生成的macros中创build您自己的特殊唯一许可证密钥。 例如,添加您自己的前缀。 如果用户在在线数据库中使用它,则可以进行存储。 这个解决scheme的倒台是用户必须连接到外部的互联网。


要保护您的代码,请打开Excel工作簿并转至工具>macros> Visual Basic编辑器(Alt + F11)。 现在,从VBE内部进入工具> VBAProject属性,然后单击保护页面选项卡,然后选中“locking项目查看”,然后input密码,再次确认。 这样做后,您必须保存,closures并重新打开工作簿保护才能生效。

我创build了一个Excel工作表,如果每月订阅付款失败,我可以远程删除访问权限。 这里是如何做到这一点:

  1. 创buildHTML表格并将其上传到您的网站

  2. 在您的Excel文档中,转到数据选项卡并select从网站获取 – 将表导入名为“validation”的工作表 – 确保您的表有3列。 序列号位于第一列,第二位用户的描述以及第三列顶部的错误消息。此处存储的错误消息是每个未注册的用户将看到的内容。 第一个序列号应出现在工作表validation的单元格A2中。

在您的Visual Basic编辑器中将此代码粘贴到模块中 – 此代码将基于PC硬盘序列号返回一个8位序列号:

 Function HDSerialNumber() As String Dim fsObj As Object Dim drv As Object Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set drv = fsObj.Drives("C") HDSerialNumber = Left(Hex(drv.SerialNumber), 4) _ & "-" & Right(Hex(drv.SerialNumber), 4) End Function 

另外在另一个模块,我确保互联网连接。 如果没有互联网,那么工作表closures。 如果你不这样做,那么如果有人从互联网上断开你的连续剧将不会被加载。

 Option Explicit #If VBA7 And Win64 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function InternetGetConnectedStateEx Lib "wininet.dll" (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long, ByVal lpszConnectionName As String, ByVal dwNameLen As Integer, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long #Else Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedStateEx Lib "wininet.dll" (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long, ByVal lpszConnectionName As String, ByVal dwNameLen As Integer, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long #End If Function IsInternetConnected() As Boolean Dim strConnType As String, lngReturnStatus As Long, MyScript As String If Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Macintosh*" Then MyScript = "repeat with i from 1 to 2" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "try" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "do shell script ""ping -o -t 2 www.apple.com""" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "set mystatus to 1" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "exit repeat" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "on error" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "If i = 2 Then set mystatus to 0" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "end try" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "end repeat" & vbNewLine MyScript = MyScript & "return mystatus" If MacScript(MyScript) Then IsInternetConnected = True Else lngReturnStatus = InternetGetConnectedStateEx(lngReturnStatus, strConnType, 254, 0) If lngReturnStatus = 1 Then IsInternetConnected = True End If End Function 


 Private Sub Workbook_Open() If IsInternetConnected Then Dim objFSO As Object Dim MyFolder As String Dim sFileName As String Dim iFileNum As Integer Dim sBuf As String Dim trialstartdate As String Dim z As String Dim fsoFSO Set fsoFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'UNCOMMENT below to SHOW the serials sheet when the workbook is opened ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Verify").Visible = xlSheetVisible 'UNCOMMENT below to hide the serials sheet when the workbook is opened 'ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Verify").Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Refresh_Serials z = 2 'loop here for valid hard drive serial number Do Until IsEmpty(Worksheets("Verify").Cells(z, 1).Value) If Worksheets("Verify").Cells(z, 1).Value = HDSerialNumber Then 'verified and let pass GoTo SerialVerified End If z = z + 1 Loop Dim custommessage As String custommessage = Worksheets("Verify").Cells(2, 3) MsgBox custommessage + " Your serial number is: " + HDSerialNumber Dim wsh1, MyKey1 Set wsh1 = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") MyKey1 = "%{TAB}" wsh1.SendKeys MyKey1 MsgBox "The Commission Tracker will not open without a valid serial number. It will now close. uncomment this in workbook->open to close the workbook if the serial isn't found" Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'uncomment this to close the workbook if the serial isn't found 'ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True SerialVerified: ' does the end user agree to not use this tool for mailicous purposes? MsgAgree = MsgBox("Your PC's serial number is " & HDSerialNumber & ". By clicking 'Yes' you agree to use our software as described in our end user agreement. - the URL to your terms here", vbYesNo, "Final Agreement") If MsgAgree = vbNo Then 'close program MsgBox "This program will now close since you do not agree to our end user agreement" Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True Else 'continue to open the program End If Else MsgBox "No Network Connection Detected - You must have an internet connection to run the commission tracker." Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub 
