

If MsgBox("File has been updated", vbinformatoin) = ok Then Exit Sub 


如果命令button由于某种原因而不工作,这个消息还会出现吗? 如果是这样,我怎么可以改变到消息框,所以它只能在电子表格肯定更新时才起作用?

你需要的是一个error handling程序。 你需要在你的子开头设置一个“On Error”语句,然后写一个error handling程序。

这里有一个资源,你可以find有关如何设置它的信息: https : //support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/141571#/en-us/kb/141571


 Sub mySub() On Error GoTo CatchError 'I called it CatchError but you can call it whatever '--All of your code here including "If MsgBox("File has been updated", vbinformatoin) = ok Then Exit Sub" CatchError: 'Here put what you want to do in case of an error, for example 'MsgBox "The code stopped because of an error" End Sub 


 Private change_ind As Integer Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) change_ind = 1 End sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If change_ind = 1 Then MsgBox "Update has occurred" Else   MsgBox "No updates" End If End Sub