




在运行代码的时候,如果我把一个Debug.Print放在variables上,并保存回复/转发的date,它会以正确的格式(dd / mm / yyyy hh:mm:ss)打印出来,但是当它popup时,原因是input为mm / dd / yyyy hh:mm:ss(但仅适用于月份<= 12的date)。



'this is the part that exports to Excel intColumnCounter = intColumnCounter + 1 Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, intColumnCounter) rng.Value = GetLastVerb(msg) Debug.Print GetLastVerb(msg) Public Function GetLastVerb(olkMsg As Outlook.MailItem) As String Dim intVerb As Integer intVerb = GetProperty(olkMsg, "") Select Case intVerb Case 102 Debug.Print ("Reply to Sender") GetLastVerb = GetLastVerbTime(olkMsg) Case 103 Debug.Print ("Reply to All") GetLastVerb = GetLastVerbTime(olkMsg) Case 104 Debug.Print ("Forward") GetLastVerb = olkMsg.ReceivedTime Case 108 Debug.Print ("Reply to Forward") GetLastVerb = GetLastVerbTime(olkMsg) Case Else Debug.Print ("Unknown") GetLastVerb = "Not replied to" End Select End Function Public Function GetProperty(olkItm As Object, strPropName As String) As Date Dim olkPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Set olkPA = olkItm.PropertyAccessor GetProperty = olkPA.UTCToLocalTime(olkPA.GetProperty(strPropName)) Set olkPA = Nothing End Function Public Function GetLastVerbTime(olkItm As Object) As Variant GetLastVerbTime = GetDateProperty(olkItm, "") End Function Public Function GetDateProperty(olkItm As Object, strPropName As String) As Date Dim olkPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Set olkPA = olkItm.PropertyAccessor GetDateProperty = olkPA.UTCToLocalTime(olkPA.GetProperty(strPropName)) Set olkPA = Nothing End Function 

这是因为你正在返回一个string,如果可能的话,VBA将采用美国格式 – 也许使用

 Dim sTemp as string sTemp = GetLastVerb(msg) if isdate(stemp) then rng.Value = cdate(sTemp) else rng.value = sTemp end if