


我需要find每个订单date之间的平均间隔天数。 我必须find一种方法来排除行中的空白单元格,同时也要考虑到一些客户端有5-10个订单,有些客户端在计算订单之间的平均频率(间隔)时有2个订单。


Sub DateInt() Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet Dim LastRow As Integer Dim LastCol As Integer Dim CurrentRow As Integer Dim CurrentCol As Integer Dim GrandT As String GrandT = InputBox("Which column is the Grand Total in?", "Grand Total Column Letters") Set CurrentSheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet LastRow = CurrentSheet.Range(GrandT & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row LastCol = CurrentSheet.Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1 For CurrentRow = 5 To LastRow For CurrentCol = 2 To LastCol If Not CurrentSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, CurrentCol).Value = "" Then 'Save date 'Find next date in row 'Subtract Dates to get interval and save interval in days 'Save a running average of intervals 'Maybe a running sum (SumDates) and a running divisor (NumOfDates) Else Next 'Output average interval (SubDates / NumOfDates) in CurrentSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 1).Value Next End Sub 


 NumOfDates = 0 'Loop 'Loop NumOfDates = NumOfDates + 1 Date & NumOfDates = CurrentCell.Value If NumOfDates = 1 Then Next Else Interval = Date2 - Date1 TtlInterval = TtlInterval + Interval Date2 = Date1 Next 

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 Sub DateInt() Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet Dim LastRow As Integer Dim LastCol As Integer Dim CurrentRow As Integer Dim CurrentCol As Integer Dim GrandT As String Dim DateA As Date Dim DateB As Date Dim DateTtl As Integer Dim DateCount As Integer Set CurrentSheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet LastRow = CurrentSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 1 LastCol = CurrentSheet.Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Cells(4, LastCol + 1).Value = "Avg Interval" Cells(4, LastCol + 2).Value = "Days Since Last Order" Cells(4, LastCol + 3).Value = "Last Order Date" Cells(4, LastCol + 4).Value = "Last Order v Avg Order" For CurrentRow = 5 To LastRow Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol).Value = Date Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" DateCount = 0 DateTtl = 0 DateC = DateAdd("d", 20, Date) For CurrentCol = 2 To LastCol If Cells(CurrentRow, CurrentCol).Value = "" Then Else If DateCount < 1 Then DateA = Cells(CurrentRow, CurrentCol).Value Else DateB = Cells(CurrentRow, CurrentCol).Value DateTtl = DateDiff("d", DateA, DateB) + DateTtl If DateValue(DateB) = DateValue(Date) Then Else DateA = DateB End If End If DateCount = DateCount + 1 End If Next CurrentCol Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 1).Value = DateTtl / DateCount Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 1).NumberFormat = "General" Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 2).Value = DateDiff("d", DateA, Date) Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 2).NumberFormat = "General" Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 3).Value = DateA Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 3).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 4).Value = Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 1).Value - Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 2).Value Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol + 4).NumberFormat = "#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)" Next CurrentRow End Sub