

 Public Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979 Public Const Rad As Double = Pi / 180 Public CalcBook As Workbook Public FilePath As String, Files() As String Public FreqArray() As Integer Sub Main() Dim ChooseFolder As Object, FilePath As String, StrFile As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, x As Integer Dim DirNum As Integer, HNum As Integer, VNum As Integer Dim DirColShift As Integer, HColShift As Integer, VColShift As Integer Dim TheStart As Date, TheEnd As Date, TotalTime As Date Set ChooseFolder = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With ChooseFolder .AllowMultiSelect = False .Title = "Please choose a folder containing .txt files" If .Show = -1 Then FilePath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\" Else Set ChooseFolder = Nothing Exit Sub End If End With Set ChooseFolder = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.DisplayStatusBar = False ' Stores only files containing an AntennaName + "_T" + any number of characters + "_?_?45.xls" string ' (where "?" is a single character and "*" is any number). Checks if the number of files is correct too. StrFile = Dir(FilePath & "*_T*_?_?45.txt") Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 ReDim Preserve Files(i) Files(i) = FilePath & StrFile i = i + 1 StrFile = Dir Loop If Not (UBound(Files) + 1) / 6 = Int((UBound(Files) + 1) / 6) Then GoTo FileError For i = 0 To UBound(Files) Select Case Right(Files(i), 9) Case "D_+45.txt", "D_-45.txt" DirNum = DirNum + 1 Case "H_+45.txt", "H_-45.txt" HNum = HNum + 1 Case "V_+45.txt", "V_-45.txt" VNum = VNum + 1 End Select Next If Not (DirNum / 2 = Int(DirNum / 2) And HNum / 2 = Int(HNum / 2) And VNum / 2 = Int(VNum / 2) And DirNum = HNum And HNum = VNum) Then FileError: MsgBox "Failed to properly load files. Looks like a wrong number of them is at dispose", vbCritical, "Check the import-files" Exit Sub End If ' Imports files in Excel for better data access Set CalcBook = Application.Workbooks.Add ' FROM HERE ON THE DATA IS PROCESSED IN ORDER TO OBTAIN AN EXCEL WORKBOOK WITH 3 SHEETS CALLED "Directivity", "Horizontal" and "Vertical". Application.ScreenUpdating = True Options.Show TheStart = Now Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Options.OnlyEval = False Then PolarCharts If Options.OnlyCharts = False Then Auswertung Application.DisplayAlerts = False CalcBook.Close savechanges:=False Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Set CalcBook = Nothing TheEnd = Now TotalTime = TheEnd - TheStart MsgBox Format(TotalTime, "HH:MM:SS"), vbInformation, "Computing Time" Unload Options End Sub 

Options是我需要的一种forms,用于访问PolarChartsAuswertung 。 这些Subs正确执行(我知道,因为他们保存的数据也是正确的)。


还要知道,我正在closures的工作簿包含NO CODE(没有别的地址是“.Close”,因此在.Close事件上执行某些操作是不可能的)。


 Private Sub Cancel_Click() End End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() End End Sub Private Sub Ok_Click() If Me.OnlyCharts = False Then ReDim SubFreq(4) If Not (Me.Start1.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop1.ListIndex = -1) Then SubFreq(0) = Me.Start1.List(Me.Start1.ListIndex) & "-" & Me.Stop1.List(Me.Stop1.ListIndex) If Not (Me.Start2.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop2.ListIndex = -1) Then SubFreq(1) = Me.Start2.List(Me.Start2.ListIndex) & "-" & Me.Stop2.List(Me.Stop2.ListIndex) If Not (Me.Start3.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop3.ListIndex = -1) Then SubFreq(2) = Me.Start3.List(Me.Start3.ListIndex) & "-" & Me.Stop3.List(Me.Stop3.ListIndex) If Not (Me.Start4.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop4.ListIndex = -1) Then SubFreq(3) = Me.Start4.List(Me.Start4.ListIndex) & "-" & Me.Stop4.List(Me.Stop4.ListIndex) If Not (Me.Start5.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop5.ListIndex = -1) Then SubFreq(4) = Me.Start5.List(Me.Start5.ListIndex) & "-" & Me.Stop5.List(Me.Stop5.ListIndex) If (Me.Start1 = "" And Me.Start2 = "" And Me.Start3 = "" And Me.Start4 = "" And Me.Start5 = "" And Me.Stop1 = "" And Me.Stop2 = "" And Me.Stop3 = "" And Me.Stop4 = "" And Me.Stop5 = "") _ Or Me.Start1.Value > Me.Stop1.Value Or Me.Start2.Value > Me.Stop2.Value Or Me.Start3.Value > Me.Stop3.Value Or Me.Start4.Value > Me.Stop4.Value Or Me.Start5.Value > Me.Stop5.Value _ Or (Me.Start1.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop1.ListIndex >= 0) Or (Me.Start2.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop2.ListIndex >= 0) Or (Me.Start3.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop3.ListIndex >= 0) Or (Me.Start4.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop4.ListIndex >= 0) Or (Me.Start5.ListIndex = -1 And Me.Stop5.ListIndex >= 0) _ Or (Me.Start1.ListIndex >= 0 And Me.Stop1.ListIndex = -1) Or (Me.Start2.ListIndex >= 0 And Me.Stop2.ListIndex = -1) Or (Me.Start3.ListIndex >= 0 And Me.Stop3.ListIndex = -1) Or (Me.Start4.ListIndex >= 0 And Me.Stop4.ListIndex = -1) Or (Me.Start5.ListIndex >= 0 And Me.Stop5.ListIndex = -1) Then MsgBox("Please select correctly the frequency ranges - Maybe Start > Stop, one of those was not properly inserted, or the fields are blank", vbExclamation, "Frequency choice error") GoTo hell End If For i = 0 To 4 If Not SubFreq(i) = "" Then j = j + 1 Next i j = j - 1 ReDim Preserve SubFreq(j) End If Me.Hide hell: End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Byte Me.StartMeas = Date Me.StopMeas = Date Me.Worker.AddItem "lol" Me.Worker.AddItem "rofl" Me.Worker.ListIndex = 0 For i = LBound(FreqArray) To UBound(FreqArray) Me.Start1.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Start2.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Start3.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Start4.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Start5.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Stop1.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Stop2.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Stop3.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Stop4.AddItem FreqArray(i) Me.Stop5.AddItem FreqArray(i) Next i Me.Start1.ListIndex = 0 Me.Stop1.ListIndex = Me.Stop1.ListCount - 1 End Sub 

显然,当我Close CalcBook,它会触发从所有的代码End的选项UserForm_Terminate ! 我如何避免这种情况?

只要删除语句End bacause End导致代码执行的突然结束。


如果您需要退出某个方法,请使用Exit Sub

为什么:因为End工作。 阅读例如这个职位: http : //www.vbforums.com/showthread.php? 511766-Classic-VB-Why-is-using-the-End-statement-(( -VB- s-quot-stop- quot-button) – 一个坏主意 。

如果您需要从执行停止代码使用If-condition甚至Exit Sub但避免使用End


 Workbooks("CalcBook").Close savechanges:=False 


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