


因此,例如,使用(Row2[Column4] * Row2[Column5])计算(Row4[Column2] / Row5[Column1])使用(Row4[Column2] / Row5[Column1])计算Row1[Column4]等等。 。

我曾经想过使用二维数组,但是恐怕这些数值会按照特定的顺序计算,因此当它们到达时没有任何价值。 据我所知, Row1将首先计算,然后Row2Row3


我真的很感激任何帮助,build议,指针,无论你认为可能 – 我很乐意听到它!

编辑实现由@dtb提供的Lazy类后,我有以下代码。 这是我提供的Excel电子表格内容的直接副本,包括指针和计算。

 var sr = new Lazy<decimal>[6, 6]; sr[0, 0] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[1, 0].Value - eNumber); sr[0, 3] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[0, 4].Value - sr[1, 0].Value - sr[1, 4].Value); sr[0, 4] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[0, 0].Value * edD); sr[0, 5] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[0, 0].Value); sr[1, 0] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[1, 5].Value); sr[1, 4] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[1, 0].Value * edD); sr[1, 5] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[2, 0].Value + sr[2, 5].Value); sr[2, 0] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => eNumber * rRate); sr[2, 4] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[2, 0].Value * hdD); sr[2, 5] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[1, 5].Value); sr[3, 1] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[2, 5].Value); sr[4, 2] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => eNumber * (ePc / 100) + sr[2, 0].Value * (hlPc / 100) - sr[3, 1].Value); sr[5, 0] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => (sr[0, 0].Value + sr[1, 0].Value + sr[2, 0].Value) / ePerR); sr[5, 2] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[5, 0].Value / rLifecycle); sr[5, 4] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[5, 2].Value); sr[5, 5] = new Lazy<decimal>(() => sr[5, 0].Value + sr[5, 2].Value - sr[5, 4].Value); 

ValueFactory attempted to access the Value property of this instance.




 var table = new Lazy<int>[2, 2]; table[0, 0] = new Lazy<int>(() => table[1, 1].Value * 2); table[0, 1] = new Lazy<int>(() => 42); table[1, 0] = new Lazy<int>(() => 100); table[1, 1] = new Lazy<int>(() => table[0, 1].Value + table[1, 0].Value); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { Console.WriteLine("Row = {0} Column = {1} Value = {2}", i, j, table[i, j].Value); } 

注意如何以任意顺序定义表格单元格的内容。 只要单元之间不存在循环依赖关系,它就可以自己计算出它的顺序。


行= 0列= 0值= 284
行= 0列= 1值= 42
行= 1列= 0值= 100
行= 1列= 1值= 142


 var table = new Lazy<int>[2, 2]; table[0, 0] = from t in table.AsLazy() from x in t[1, 1] select 2 * x; table[0, 1] = 42.AsLazy(); table[1, 0] = 100.AsLazy(); table[1, 1] = from t in table.AsLazy() from a in t[0, 1] from b in t[1, 0] select a + b; 


 static class LazyExtensions { public static Lazy<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TCollection, TResult>(this Lazy<TSource> source, Func<TSource, Lazy<TCollection>> collectionSelector, Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult> resultSelector) { return new Lazy<TResult>(() => resultSelector(source.Value, collectionSelector(source.Value).Value)); } public static Lazy<TSource> AsLazy<TSource>(this TSource value) { return new Lazy<TSource>(() => value); } } 

自定义replace.NET 4.0的Lazy <T>类 :

 sealed class MyLazy<T> { private readonly Func<T> valueFactory; private T value; private bool valueCreated; public MyLazy(Func<T> valueFactory) { if (valueFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("valueFactory"); } this.valueFactory = valueFactory; } public bool IsValueCreated { get { return this.valueCreated; } } public T Value { get { if (!this.valueCreated) { this.value = this.valueFactory(); this.valueCreated = true; } return this.value; } } } 

马可,我认为最好的方法是让你绘制出这些细胞之间的关系。 如果这个问题是关于Excel的顺序,那么我可以把你指向这里: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687891.aspx




 class Lazy<T> { private bool IsEvaluated; private T Value; private Func<T> Suspension; public Lazy<T>(Func<T> susp) { Suspension = susp; } public static implicit operator T(Lazy<T> thunk) { if (thunk.IsEvaluated) { return thunk.Value; } thunk.Value = thunk.Suspension(); thunk.IsEvaluated = true; return thunk.Value; } } 





如果你的依赖包含一个循环,那么这两种方法都不能保证工作,因为你需要评估一个固定点。 在这种情况下,您可能需要类似于计划B的内容,但首先将您的依赖关系图分解为强连接的组件(对于此站点上的SCC有一个很好的答案)。
