
我试图从Microsoft Excel中计算Cumprinc公式,如下所示:

 for (double i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (type > 0) { principal += payment - (payment * Math.Pow((1 + rate), (i - 2)) - payment) * rate; } else { principal+=payment-(payment*Math.Pow((1+rate),(i-1))-payment)*rate; } } 



看起来你不会在你的循环的每一次迭代中改变你的主体,这意味着每个月的兴趣将是相同的。 从您的问题来看,您是否已经调整了初始余额以考虑到开始期间的任何付款,这一点也不清楚。


  • 计算余额
  • 开始和结束之间的每个时期
    • 用剩余余额计算支付的本金,并将其加到累计总额中
    • 从余额中扣除本金

计算当月支付的本金最简单的方法是从当月开始计算利息,并从月度支付中扣除。 这意味着预先计算每月付款是有意义的。 计算每月支付和余额的公式可以在这里find。

下面的方法应该给出与excel相同的结果(根据CUMPRINC MS页面上的示例精确到10位小数;如果您需要更精确的话,可能需要使用types)。

 private static decimal CumPrinc(double rate, int periods, decimal pV, int start, int end, int type) { //adjust the start and end periods based on the type //if it's 1 then payments are at the beginning of the period //which is the same as the end of the previous period if (type == 1) { start -= 1; end -= 1; } //calculate the monthlyPayment decimal monthlyPayment = (decimal)((rate * (double)pV * Math.Pow((1 + rate), periods)) / (Math.Pow((1 + rate), periods) - 1)); //calculate the remaining balance decimal remainingBalance = (decimal)((Math.Pow((1 + rate), start - 1) * (double)pV) - (((Math.Pow((1 + rate), start - 1) - 1) / rate) * (double)monthlyPayment)); decimal principal = 0; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { //get the interest for the month decimal monthlyInterest = remainingBalance * (decimal)rate; //the principal for the month is the payment less the interest decimal monthlyPrincipal = monthlyPayment - monthlyInterest; //add the months principal to the running total principal += monthlyPrincipal; //deduct the months principal from the remaining balance remainingBalance -= monthlyPrincipal; } return principal; } 


 private static decimal CumPrinc(double rate, int periods, decimal pV, int start, int end, int type) { //adjust the start and end periods based on the type //if it's 1 then payments are at the beginning of the period //which is the same as the end of the previous period if (type == 1) { start -= 1; end -= 1; } //calculate the monthlyPayment decimal monthlyPayment = (decimal)((rate * (double)pV * Math.Pow((1 + rate), periods)) / (Math.Pow((1 + rate), periods) - 1)); decimal remainingBalanceAtStart = (decimal)((Math.Pow((1 + rate), start - 1) * (double)pV) - (((Math.Pow((1 + rate), start - 1) - 1) / rate) * (double)monthlyPayment)); decimal remainingBalanceAtEnd = (decimal)((Math.Pow((1 + rate), end) * (double)pV) - (((Math.Pow((1 + rate), end) - 1) / rate) * (double)monthlyPayment)); return remainingBalanceAtEnd - remainingBalanceAtStart; }