

这样做的最好方法是什么? 我应该使用For循环吗?


 s = join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose([a1:a400]), ",") 



 s = join(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Worksheets(someIndex).Range("A1:A400").Value), ",") 


我认为@ GSerg的答案是对你的问题的确定答复。


 s = Join2d(工作表(someIndex).Range(“A1:A400”)。值)





  1. 这个Join函数不会受到影响Excel中大多数(如果不是全部)本地Concatenate函数的255个字符的限制,并且上面的Range.Value代码示例将从包含更长string的单元格中传入数据。
  2. 这是经过大量优化的:我们尽可能less地使用string连接,因为本地VBAstring连接速度较慢,并且随着较长string的连接逐渐变慢。
    公共函数Join2d(ByRef InputArray As Variant,_ 
                           可选RowDelimiter As String = vbCr,_ 
                           可选FieldDelimiter = vbTab,_ 
                           可选的SkipBlankRows As Boolean = False)As String 

 ' Join up a 2-dimensional array into a string. Works like VBA.Strings.Join, for a 2-dimensional array. ' Note that the default delimiters are those inserted into the string returned by ADODB.Recordset.GetString On Error Resume Next ' Coding note: we're not doing any string-handling in VBA.Strings - allocating, deallocating and (especially!) concatenating are SLOW. ' We're using the VBA Join & Split functions ONLY. The VBA Join, Split, & Replace functions are linked directly to fast (by VBA standards) ' functions in the native Windows code. Feel free to optimise further by declaring and using the Kernel string functions if you want to. ' **** THIS CODE IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN **** Nigel Heffernan Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim i_lBound As Long Dim i_uBound As Long Dim j_lBound As Long Dim j_uBound As Long Dim arrTemp1() As String Dim arrTemp2() As String Dim strBlankRow As String i_lBound = LBound(InputArray, 1) i_uBound = UBound(InputArray, 1) j_lBound = LBound(InputArray, 2) j_uBound = UBound(InputArray, 2) ReDim arrTemp1(i_lBound To i_uBound) ReDim arrTemp2(j_lBound To j_uBound) For i = i_lBound To i_uBound For j = j_lBound To j_uBound arrTemp2(j) = InputArray(i, j) Next j arrTemp1(i) = Join(arrTemp2, FieldDelimiter) Next i If SkipBlankRows Then If Len(FieldDelimiter) = 1 Then strBlankRow = String(j_uBound - j_lBound, FieldDelimiter) Else For j = j_lBound To j_uBound strBlankRow = strBlankRow & FieldDelimiter Next j End If Join2d = Replace(Join(arrTemp1, RowDelimiter), strBlankRow & RowDelimiter, "") i = Len(strBlankRow & RowDelimiter) If Left(Join2d, i) = strBlankRow & RowDelimiter Then Mid$(Join2d, 1, i) = "" End If Else Join2d = Join(arrTemp1, RowDelimiter) End If Erase arrTemp1 End Function 

为了完整起见,下面是相应的2-D Splitfunction:


 Public Function Split2d(ByRef strInput As String, _ Optional RowDelimiter As String = vbCr, _ Optional FieldDelimiter = vbTab, _ Optional CoerceLowerBound As Long = 0) As Variant ' Split up a string into a 2-dimensional array. Works like VBA.Strings.Split, for a 2-dimensional array. ' Check your lower bounds on return: never assume that any array in VBA is zero-based, even if you've set Option Base 0 ' If in doubt, coerce the lower bounds to 0 or 1 by setting CoerceLowerBound ' Note that the default delimiters are those inserted into the string returned by ADODB.Recordset.GetString On Error Resume Next ' Coding note: we're not doing any string-handling in VBA.Strings - allocating, deallocating and (especially!) concatenating are SLOW. ' We're using the VBA Join & Split functions ONLY. The VBA Join, Split, & Replace functions are linked directly to fast (by VBA standards) ' functions in the native Windows code. Feel free to optimise further by declaring and using the Kernel string functions if you want to. ' **** THIS CODE IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN **** Nigel Heffernan Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim i_n As Long Dim j_n As Long Dim i_lBound As Long Dim i_uBound As Long Dim j_lBound As Long Dim j_uBound As Long Dim arrTemp1 As Variant Dim arrTemp2 As Variant arrTemp1 = Split(strInput, RowDelimiter) i_lBound = LBound(arrTemp1) i_uBound = UBound(arrTemp1) If VBA.LenB(arrTemp1(i_uBound)) <= 0 Then ' clip out empty last row: common artifact data loaded from files with a terminating row delimiter i_uBound = i_uBound - 1 End If i = i_lBound arrTemp2 = Split(arrTemp1(i), FieldDelimiter) j_lBound = LBound(arrTemp2) j_uBound = UBound(arrTemp2) If VBA.LenB(arrTemp2(j_uBound)) <= 0 Then ' ! potential error: first row with an empty last field... j_uBound = j_uBound - 1 End If i_n = CoerceLowerBound - i_lBound j_n = CoerceLowerBound - j_lBound ReDim arrData(i_lBound + i_n To i_uBound + i_n, j_lBound + j_n To j_uBound + j_n) ' As we've got the first row already... populate it here, and start the main loop from lbound+1 For j = j_lBound To j_uBound arrData(i_lBound + i_n, j + j_n) = arrTemp2(j) Next j For i = i_lBound + 1 To i_uBound Step 1 arrTemp2 = Split(arrTemp1(i), FieldDelimiter) For j = j_lBound To j_uBound Step 1 arrData(i + i_n, j + j_n) = arrTemp2(j) Next j Erase arrTemp2 Next i Erase arrTemp1 Application.StatusBar = False Split2d = arrData End Function 


您可以使用Chip Pearson创build的StringConcat函数。 请看下面的链接:)


链接 : http : //




为了克服CONCATENATE函数的这些缺陷,有必要构build我们自己的用VBA编写的函数来解决CONCATENATE的问题。 这个页面的其余部分描述了一个名为StringConcat的函数。 这个function克服了CONCATENATE的所有缺陷。 它可用于连接单个string值,一个或多个工作表范围的值,文字数组和数组公式的操作结果。


Function StringConcat(Sep As String,ParamArray Args())As String

Sep参数是一个或多个字符,用于分隔串联的string。 这可能是0或更多的字符。 Sep参数是必需的。 如果您不想在结果string中使用任何分隔符,请为Sep的值使用空string。Sep值将出现在每个要连接的string之间,但不会出现在结果string的开头或结尾。 ParamArray参数是一系列要连接的值。 ParamArray中的每个元素可能是以下任何一个:

一个文字string,例如“A”由地址或范围名称指定的单元格范围。 当二维范围的元素被连接起来时,连接的顺序是跨越一行,然后到下一行。 一个文字数组。 例如,{“A”,“B”,“C”}或{“A”;“B”;“C”}


 Function StringConcat(Sep As String, ParamArray Args()) As Variant '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' StringConcat ' By Chip Pearson,, ' ' This function concatenates all the elements in the Args array, ' delimited by the Sep character, into a single string. This function ' can be used in an array formula. There is a VBA imposed limit that ' a string in a passed in array (eg, calling this function from ' an array formula in a worksheet cell) must be less than 256 characters. ' See the comments at STRING TOO LONG HANDLING for details. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim S As String Dim N As Long Dim M As Long Dim R As Range Dim NumDims As Long Dim LB As Long Dim IsArrayAlloc As Boolean ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' If no parameters were passed in, return ' vbNullString. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If UBound(Args) - LBound(Args) + 1 = 0 Then StringConcat = vbNullString Exit Function End If For N = LBound(Args) To UBound(Args) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Loop through the Args '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If IsObject(Args(N)) = True Then ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' OBJECT ' If we have an object, ensure it ' it a Range. The Range object ' is the only type of object we'll ' work with. Anything else causes ' a #VALUE error. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If TypeOf Args(N) Is Excel.Range Then ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' If it is a Range, loop through the ' cells and create append the elements ' to the string S. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' For Each R In Args(N).Cells If Len(R.Text) > 0 Then S = S & R.Text & Sep End If Next R Else ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Unsupported object type. Return ' a #VALUE error. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' StringConcat = CVErr(xlErrValue) Exit Function End If ElseIf IsArray(Args(N)) = True Then ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ARRAY ' If Args(N) is an array, ensure it ' is an allocated array. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' IsArrayAlloc = (Not IsError(LBound(Args(N))) And _ (LBound(Args(N)) <= UBound(Args(N)))) If IsArrayAlloc = True Then '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' The array is allocated. Determine ' the number of dimensions of the ' array. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' NumDims = 1 On Error Resume Next Err.Clear NumDims = 1 Do Until Err.Number <> 0 LB = LBound(Args(N), NumDims) If Err.Number = 0 Then NumDims = NumDims + 1 Else NumDims = NumDims - 1 End If Loop On Error GoTo 0 Err.Clear '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' The array must have either ' one or two dimensions. Greater ' that two caues a #VALUE error. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If NumDims > 2 Then StringConcat = CVErr(xlErrValue) Exit Function End If If NumDims = 1 Then For M = LBound(Args(N)) To UBound(Args(N)) If Args(N)(M) <> vbNullString Then S = S & Args(N)(M) & Sep End If Next M Else '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' STRING TOO LONG HANDLING ' Here, the error handler must be set to either ' On Error GoTo ContinueLoop ' or ' On Error GoTo ErrH ' If you use ErrH, then any error, including ' a string too long error, will cause the function ' to return #VALUE and quit. If you use ContinueLoop, ' the problematic value is ignored and not included ' in the result, and the result is the concatenation ' of all non-error values in the input. This code is ' used in the case that an input string is longer than ' 255 characters. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' On Error GoTo ContinueLoop 'On Error GoTo ErrH Err.Clear For M = LBound(Args(N), 1) To UBound(Args(N), 1) If Args(N)(M, 1) <> vbNullString Then S = S & Args(N)(M, 1) & Sep End If Next M Err.Clear M = LBound(Args(N), 2) If Err.Number = 0 Then For M = LBound(Args(N), 2) To UBound(Args(N), 2) If Args(N)(M, 2) <> vbNullString Then S = S & Args(N)(M, 2) & Sep End If Next M End If On Error GoTo ErrH: End If Else If Args(N) <> vbNullString Then S = S & Args(N) & Sep End If End If Else On Error Resume Next If Args(N) <> vbNullString Then S = S & Args(N) & Sep End If On Error GoTo 0 End If ContinueLoop: Next N ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Remove the trailing Sep ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If Len(Sep) > 0 Then If Len(S) > 0 Then S = Left(S, Len(S) - Len(Sep)) End If End If StringConcat = S ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Success. Get out. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Exit Function ErrH: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Error. Return #VALUE ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' StringConcat = CVErr(xlErrValue) End Function